Liberal Arts Colleges By State
One of the great things about liberal arts is that they are woven into the fabric of America. We’re a country that is founded on principles that came out of the Enlightenment, forged in a spirit of inquiry and scientific investigation. We like to ask questions and have debates. We value diversity, inclusion, and new ideas.
The core values of liberal arts are the values that made society what it is today. And you can find those values at work in every community, in every corner of the world.
That also means you can find great liberal arts colleges somewhere near you, no matter where you are.
The Information You Need to Find a Liberal Arts College and Begin Planning a Career in Your State
Going state-by-state, we’ve taken the time to compile the premier nonprofit liberal arts colleges located in every corner of the country. From the centuries old liberal arts colleges of the Ivy League tucked away in the Northeast to progressive West Coast institutions and everywhere in between, you can dive in here to find the perfect humanities education right on your own doorstep.
We delve into the culture of the surrounding communities and explore the work that’s being done in both academia and industry to help the arts and sciences thrive there. It’s more than just anecdotal information for liberal arts students. You’re going to be learning from people involved in those communities, and you could very well be transitioning into a career there after you graduate.
You’ll find useful information and a contemporary perspective on what’s going on in your state in each of the major domains of the liberal arts:
- Film, media, and the performing arts
- Scientific industry and research
- Social sciences and humanitarian efforts
Find Out More About Liberal Arts Colleges Where You Live… or Where You’ve Always Dreamed of Living
It’s all about finding a school that gives you that winning combination of academic freedom and individualized support to foster and guide your development as you explore your interests and talents. And that’s exactly what you can expect from a quality liberal arts college, no matter what state it’s located in.