2024: Best Value Liberal Studies Master’s Programs at Private, Non-Profit Universities

Best Value Liberal Arts Degree BadgeLiberal studies are all about expanding your horizons. Master’s degree programs in the liberal arts can deepen your knowledge and broaden your thinking in areas as diverse as the economic plight of marginalized communities to graphic novel design. Though you can always count on a liberal studies program offering an eclectic blend of courses in the humanities, sciences and social science, in the liberal studies spirit of freedom and flexibility, you can also count on the curriculum being pretty different from school to school.

This makes it difficult to find a common theme among these programs, other than the fact that most people think that any good liberal arts master’s degree is going to be a big investment. But as you’ll see when reviewing the MALS (MA in Liberal Studies), MLS (Master of Liberal Studies and similarly structured programs at these 40 universities, that’s just not the case anymore.

You can get an amazing, broad, expert-driven, custom-tailored liberal arts master’s degree at schools all around the country for surprisingly affordable tuition rates.

You can even find online options on this list that won’t break the bank.

If you are determined to investigate some of life’s deepest mysteries, if your interests call for comprehensive research, and if you are driven to sharpen your mind to a razor’s edge through analytical thinking, with the right program, cost doesn’t have to be an obstacle on your path to a master’s in liberal studies.

A Master of Liberal Arts Degree Is Valuable to Both Your Profession and Your Life

There’s a reason that so many people are willing to invest in themselves by earning a liberal arts master’s. An advanced liberal studies degree program builds on some of the basic blocks of your bachelor’s education with highly desirable, and highly marketable skills.


Most of your learning in a liberal arts master’s program revolves around discussion and writing. This is a place where you’ll be free to develop your ideas and learn to articulate them, both verbally and in writing. That means a MALS-grad has communication skills that go well beyond even that of the typical master’s graduate. The best ideas in the world sit idle and unused if you can’t express them.

Critical Thinking

And a master’s program gives you the kind of mental work-out you need to develop those ideas in the first place. There is nothing like the kind of exposure to both cutting-edge and historical ideas that comes with a liberal arts curriculum, showing you the evolution of successful thought and thinking processes. And with small groups challenging you and helping to shape your ideas in every class, you’ll learn how to put together bullet-proof concepts that hold up to scrutiny from every angle.

Deep Subject-matter Knowledge

Whether you pick a program with a traditional thesis track or one with a capstone project, MLS programs are designed to put you through in-depth research in areas relevant to your concentration. You learn not just research methodology, but how to find and evaluate sources, and how to uncover gems of information that reveal more about your research subject than you might’ve even imagined was there.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Finally, you get the broad perspectives that come with considering that information from the point of view of multiple different fields of expertise. For example, if you’re studying homelessness in the United States, you won’t just focus on the economics of housing and average income levels. You’ll also take a look at it through the prism of drug addiction, mental health treatment policy, and even land use and historical patterns of ownership in different communities. The views you emerge with will be more nuanced and better informed, and you’ll pursue your goals more effectively with those points of view in mind.

Put those together, and you have a world-class toolkit for firing up your career in just about any industry, and you can see why people are willing to invest in that kind of education.

An MLS degree doesn’t just offer professional skills and career-boosting enhancements to your knowledge, critical thinking, and communication capabilities, though. It also brings enormous personal satisfaction.

Many students enroll in MLS programs without any specific professional goals. Instead, they pick up the books out of a genuine thirst for knowledge.

Developing a strong understanding of how the world works and why things have come to be the way they are is a worthy goal in and of itself. And it’s something that a master of liberal arts can deliver.

Whatever your motivations, not everyone can afford to attend the likes of Reed or Dartmouth, which can charge more than $3,000 per credit for a MLS program.

Quality is King: How We Picked Out the Best Value Liberal Arts Programs

That’s why we went searching for the most affordable master of liberal arts colleges in the country, and did it in a way to ensure you compromise absolutely nothing.

Affordability never has to mean cutting corners or getting something second rate. On the contrary. You’ll find the most esteemed universities in the country on this list. They just happen to be the ones offering these programs for less than other universities in their league.

Private, Non-Profit Universities Only

We started off with a pretty elite list of schools. We only considered privately run, non-profit schools with a strong arts and sciences reputation. Then, we identified the 40 schools with the lowest total program cost. Simple and straightforward.

Converting Credits to a Common Unit

Some schools operate on a quarter or course system, though the standard semester system is far and away the most common. In the interest of showing a common unit for per-credit price comparisons, we converted everything to semester-credits. The standard conversion is 1.5 quarter credits to a semester credit. And for the few programs that operate on a course system, we presumed each course to be the equivalent of four semester credits.

Grouping Schools by Region

Location is often relevant even to online students who need to consider the possibility of some on-campus appearances for lab work, group projects and participation in other special events and symposiums taking place on campus. And for many, the traditional campus experience is exactly what a true liberal arts college experience is all about. Getting to have spirited debates with the students in your cohort and the sublime experience of expression through the arts are things that just flow more naturally in person.

For these reasons, we grouped the schools on this list by region, making it easy for you to make side-side regional comparisons of price and attributes.

The Value Equation Means Tuition Rates Aren’t the Only Consideration When Picking a Liberal Arts Master’s Degree

Of course, just because you can afford a particular liberal studies master’s degree doesn’t make it the exact right fit for you. Each of the schools on this list has its own philosophical approach to teaching as well as different resources and experts for you to tap into. And based on this and a whole lot more, your primary objective should be to identify the one with the best faculty and scholarly resources to support your personal interests and academic goals. As an added bonus, you’ll come away confident that any program you select from this list will be meeting your needs while offering a great value at the same time.

That’s why we’re giving you way more information than just cost. We also dug up data that will help you make an informed choice, or at least give you a start on narrowing down your options:

Best Value Private, Non-Profit Liberal Arts Master’s Degrees for 2021-22

Put it all together, and you can find a master of liberal studies program that hits all the high-points for an advanced education at the best price available. And you can be sure that’s exactly what you’ll find on this list.


Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities
Chicago, Illinois


illinois tech

Master of Science in Technology and Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 33

Cost Per Credit: $1,614

Total Estimated Program Cost: $53,262

  • Offers both a project and a thesis completion option for tracks leading to either an IT career or further progress toward a PhD
  • One of only 22 institutions that belong to the Association of Independent Technological Universities
  • Ranked as the 42nd overall Best Value National University by U.S. News & World Reports and in the Top 25 STEM Colleges by Forbes
  • Chicago location offers immersive multicultural experiences to round out your schooling

Sure, it’s unusual to see a technology program in a list of top liberal arts degrees. But IIT offers a humanities degree designed for the modern era. Unlike most liberal arts master’s programs, the IIT THUM degree has a definite career focus in mind. The school dives into humanities subjects such as English, design, and art in order to tie them to a key role in modern information technology: user experience design. Understanding how people tick is key for building applications and devices they want to use. Students emerge from this program with extensive experience in user experience research, web design, and visual design fundamentals.

DePaul University
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Chicago, Illinois


depaul university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 32 (48 quarter-credits before converting to common semester credit unit)

Cost Per Credit: $1,094 ($729 before converting to common semester credit unit)

Total Estimated Program Cost: $35,008

  • The largest Catholic institution of higher learning in the country has plenty of resources for students to tap into
  • A traditional thesis, practicum project, enhanced portfolio, or exit course option are all available for your culminating capstone event
  • A required portfolio developed through the program will offer employers or admissions committees proof of your development
  • International summer programs at the University of Cambridge offer study abroad options in the heart of global humanities studies
  • Stay in touch with a wide alumni network including graduates in all 50 states and 60 countries worldwide

A personal desire to better understand history, culture, or ideas drives candidates in the DePaul MALS programs. The DePaul’s MALS is somewhat more structured than many interdisciplinary degrees, requiring a midpoint essay and culminating point essay to help you wrap your thoughts around your studies at different points of the program. A strong foundation of Vincentian values joins with urban diversity, academic excellence, and the resources that come from being the biggest Catholic university in the country all support your path to higher knowledge.

University of Chicago
Graham School of Counseling Liberal and Professional Studies
Chicago, Illinois


university chicago graham

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36 (9 courses before converting to common semester-credit unit)

Cost Per Credit: $910 ($3,640 before converting to common semester-credit unit)

Total Estimated Program Cost: $32,760

  • Hybrid degree program offers both in-person and online courses for flexibility and engagement
  • Small classes are all led directly by UChicago faculty
  • Once-per-week meetings in evenings or on Saturday mornings make this program a good fit for working professionals
  • Program offers exceptional flexibility in completion, which can be done in only a year or take as many as five years
  • Resident writing advisors help students hone their editing, revising, and proofing skills to produce academic-quality papers

Oriented as a MALS degree designed for working professionals, you’ll find that your fellow students at the University of Chicago program embody diverse perspectives and experiences. Doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, scientists, and writers all come together here to share explorations of both traditional humanities subjects and the modern world. A rigorous but flexible curriculum taught by world-class faculty ensure you are getting a top education at a reasonable price here.

Northwestern University
School of Professional Studies
Chicago, Illinois


northwestern university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36 (9 before converting to common semester-credit unit)

Cost Per Credit: $853 (3,412 before converting to common semester-credit unit)

Total Estimated Program Cost: $30,708

  • Program is a full member of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs
  • Distinguished world-class instructors range from recognized medievalists to film historians to religious studies experts
  • A wide range of specializations helps guide you down a path to your preferred course of study, with the resources and expertise to support it
  • Regular Liberal Studies and Literature lecture series connects MALS students with current works on thought-provoking topics

Northwestern has made advanced learning for professionals a priority since 1933. As one of the premier liberal arts schools in the Midwest, it draws a diverse range of students from every profession and cultural background, while attracting some of the top researchers and professors in the world. Collaborative, supportive learning environments help you power through this innovative program that sets a standard for higher education in the Chicagoland area.

Creighton University
Department of Medical Humanities
Omaha, Nebraska


creighton university

Master of Arts in Medical Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $955

Total Estimated Program Cost: $28,650

  • Offered exclusively online to enable access for students anywhere in the country
  • Named both a Top-Ranked National University and a Best Value University for 2021 by U.S. News & World Report, offering a first-rate education at an affordable price
  • Two tracks are available for completion, one with a traditional thesis and the other with a practical capstone project as the culminating experience
  • Learn from professors who are experts in everything from Fine Arts to Molecular Biology for a broad range of experience

There are few professions where an understanding of the humanities and the human experience are more important than in healthcare. Creighton’s program, housed in the highly-respected School of Medicine at the university, puts traditional Jesuit values of rigorous investigation and study to work examining how healthcare is shaped by cultural, spiritual, political, and economic factors in addition to state-of-the-art medicine. The program serves both healthcare professionals who want to temper their care with a better understanding of the history and sensibilities of medical care and students interested in big-picture questions around mortality, suffering, and equity.

North Central College
School of Graduate and Professional Studies
Naperville, Illinois


north central college

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $789

Total Estimated Program Cost: $23,670

  • A mix of online and in-person classes is also complemented by a hyflex option to attend even on-campus classes remotely
  • All program courses are small, discussion-based, Socratic seminars in the finest of liberal studies traditions
  • North Central has been named a top producer of Fulbright scholars within the past decade
  • Founded in 1861, North Central has enormous history in liberal arts education
  • Sustainability is a focus at this school with deep traditions but an eye toward the future

The MALS program here at North Central has roots going back more than 150 years. Attending one of the standard Socratic seminars the school uses for the MALS curriculum, you might imagine it goes back to the Parthenon, except that discussion will revolve around reimagined courses addressing healthcare, sports, gender and sexuality, immigration, and other issues from the modern world. The tight-knit classes here offer not just a sounding board for new ideas and theories, but support from fellow students and professors developing your research and communication skills.

Lake Forest College
Graduate Program in Liberal Studies
Lake Forest, Illinois


lake forest college

Master of Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 32

Cost Per Credit: $710

Total Estimated Program Cost: $22,720

  • Team-taught interdisciplinary seminars ensure you are getting individual attention and a wide array of expertise in every class
  • Flexible programming is designed to meet the needs of adults who live and work in the community
  • A dedicated MLS writing advisor helps students organize and express themselves in papers and thesis writing
  • Courses are offered once per week in the evenings, with flexible scheduling requirements that allow you to skip semesters where attendance would be a problem
  • Unique, dedicated preceptorial classes are available on-demand to focus on particular themes of interest outside the regular course offerings
  • Listed as the 21st Best College for Value by U.S. News & World Report, your money goes a long way toward a great education here

Designed for adults who have been out of school for many years, you don’t need to worry if your scholastic skills are a little rusty coming back to Lake Forest. Admissions here are competitive but simple: offer you bachelor’s transcript, an essay about why you want to join, and have a chat with a member of the program. It’s all in-line with Lake Forest’s commitment to serving student’s passions and embracing well-rounded candidates. A diverse campus community reflects that commitment and adds to your exposure to new ideas, new beliefs, and interesting people here.

St. Norbert College
De Pere, Wisconsin


st norbert college

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 32

Cost Per Credit: $550

Total Estimated Program Cost: $17,600

  • College belongs to the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs
  • The only Norbertine college in the world continues a scholastic tradition of radical hospitality that began in 1121
  • Ranked among the top 10 Catholic liberal arts colleges in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
  • On-campus academic centers to support your research and scholarship include the Center for Norbertine Studies, the Normal Miller Center for Peace, Justice & Public Understanding, and the Center for Global Engagement
  • Professors offer intellectual rigor and enthusiasm to power your thinking and lead you in unexpected directions

For a small college, you’ll find a lot of academic possibility packed in at St. Norbert. Only 2,200 students attend the beautiful, serene campus alongside the Fox River, offering a perfect setting for contemplative liberal studies. You’ll find yourself drawn in by the unique history and unusual traditions of the Norbertine order, rooted in mutual esteem, trust, sincerity, and faith. A commitment to dignity and reconciliation underlies the system designed to develop the whole person, with both intellectual and spiritual development seen as key parts of your training.

American Public University System
School of Arts, Humanities and Education
Charles Town, West Virginia


american public university system

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $370

Total Estimated Program Cost: $13,320

  • An entirely online program is designed from the ground up to be accessible for students anywhere in the country
  • Curriculum inspired by the Great Books tradition that will take you through literature and philosophers to describe the cultures that have defined civilization
  • Faculty include published authors and accomplished scholars with decades of real-world experience
  • One of the newest universities in the country, APU has the intellectual freedom and flexibility to take your education in any direction, from any location

Your explorations of the antiquities and thoughts of the ancient world will happen in a thoroughly modern context through this dedicated online master’s program in the humanities. You’ll be challenged to evaluate the history of the human race and the resulting modern society through the prism of humanities and the social and natural sciences. Although the degree is online, you can expect to be pressed on advanced research and writing skills, learning how to creatively solve problems and think critically through the guidance of expert faculty members.


University of Pennsylvania
College of Liberal and Professional Studies
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


university pennsylvania liberal

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Master of Philosophy in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36 (9 courses before converting to common semester credit unit)

Cost Per Credit: $1,287 ($5,146 before converting to common semester credit unit)

Total Estimated Program Cost: $46,332

  • The school’s MPhil option allows you to stack the degree on top of an existing master’s with only five additional courses
  • More than 50 liberal arts coursework areas are available from world-class departments across the University thanks to the One University Policy
  • An intensive student-by-student approach ensures that you get exactly the right set of courses to match your interests and curiosities
  • Required proseminar courses combine advanced research, writing, discussion, and other inquiry in small groups to hone your skills
  • Capstone project requirement offers a broad freedom to structure your culminating synthesis of study into written or creative presentations
  • Tap into University resources such as the Kelly Writers House or the Van Pelt Library at this well-equipped school

There’s no better place to dive into the history of liberal studies than the heart of one of the first blooms of liberal freedoms in the world: Philadelphia, where the earthshaking Declaration of Independence was adopted, where the Constitutional Convention developed a governing document that would change the world. The Liberty Bell still hangs here across from Independence Hall, giving you plenty to contemplate in the history of ideas and liberal beliefs. Founded by Benjamin Franklin, who was also the first president of the institution, the school has never strayed far from the Founding Father’s vision of intellectual and scientific freedom… or his eclectic scholarly interests, from political science to electrical theory to healthcare. You can adopt any or none of those as your MALS subjects here, with the full support of engaged fellow students and staff.

St. John’s University
College of Liberal Arts and Studies
New York, New York


st johns university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 33

Cost Per Credit: $1,345

Total Estimated Program Cost: $44,385

  • A flexible curriculum and course schedule is designed to accommodate working professionals who can devote only part-time to their studies
  • Located on the Queen’s campus, this program puts you in the beating heart of thriving New York City with cultural resources all around
  • Ten different centers and institutes are housed at the college offering research and academic expertise ranging from neuroscience to Italian cultural studies
  • Offers a Catholic, metropolitan, Vincentian and global perspective on student success
  • Campus location Rome, Paris, and Limerick offer overseas study opportunities

St. John’s was founded in New York in 1870 in the Vincentian tradition to provide a practical liberal arts education for local youth. Today, it draws students from 46 different states and 119 different countries, with campuses around New York city and overseas. Broad academic resources and faculty expertise help fuel a four-pronged MALS degree that encourages whole-student development as well as an in-depth investigation of your areas of interest. The world can be your classroom at St. John’s, even if you’re only able to study on a part-time basis.

St. John’s College
Graduate Institute
Annapolis, Maryland


st johns college

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $1,062

Total Estimated Program Cost: $38,232

  • Program is available on campus or as a hybrid with only two campus visits through a low residency degree option
  • A second campus in Santa Fe offers extra flexibility for completing on campus studies
  • A reading list ranging from Lycurgus to Heidegger gives you a full perspective on the scope of thought from great thinkers of Western civilization
  • A collaborative learning environment means each class has fewer than 20 students and most are conducted as seminars in traditional dialog-based learning
  • Students are required to take active responsibility for their education here, offering an immersive experience with great personal satisfaction
  • Ranked 39th in the nation for Best Value by U.S. News & World Report

With roots stretching back to 1696, you won’t find a school in the United States that has been around for more of the history of liberal thought than this one. A teaching style that revolves around intellectual engagement means you aren’t spoon-fed any answers, but instead encouraged to develop your own thinking by using the material found in some of the foundational writing in the liberal arts pantheon. The school is of particular interest to students interested in pursuing a humanities education beyond a master’s degree; it ranks first in the nation for the most students who go on to obtain PhDs in the humanities.

Villanova University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Villanova, Pennsylvania


villanova university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $820

Total Estimated Program Cost: $24,600

  • Education at Villanova rests squarely on the cornerstone of a traditional Catholic Augustinian intellectual heritage to foster critical thinking and compassionate action
  • Graduates have won prestigious awards in interdisciplinary writing
  • A diverse student body adds texture and context to your classroom experience
  • The program taps some of the best teachers in the school’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Ranked 3rd for Best Economic Value by The Economist and 49th overall for Best National Universities by U.S. News & World Report

With the freedom to investigate any interest you have and the extensive resources and faculty expertise to fuel those investigations, Villanova is an easy choice for any graduate student in liberal studies. Add in the attractive price tag, and it’s a great value for pursuing advanced study in history, literature, philosophy, theology, or any other liberal arts discipline. But when you consider that The Chronicles of Higher Education have named Villanova as one of the top producers of Fulbright Scholars in the country, cost definitely comes in second behind education at this prestigious school.

McDaniel College
Graduate and Professional Studies Department
Westminster, Maryland


mcdaniel college

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $535

Total Estimated Program Cost: $19,260

  • Available either in-person or online for extra flexibility
  • Personalized guidance ensures that you can put together a program that will meet your unique professional goals
  • A final project capstone option offers flexibility beyond the traditional thesis plan for your culminating work on your degree
  • A Budapest campus offers overseas study options in the heart of Europe, while other classes or trips can take you to 50 different countries worldwide
  • Ranked by U.S. News & World Report on both the Best Value Schools and Top Regional Universities in the North lists for 2022

The McDaniel College MLA offers a unique specialization in environmental literacy that puts traditional liberal studies to work analyzing and understanding some of the most pressing challenges in the modern world. But, as the first co-ed college established south of the Mason-Dixon line, McDaniel is no stranger to being ahead of the curve. That’s the kind of heritage of intellectual boldness you need in a liberal arts education. With a set of first principles that put your knowledge and personal achievement front and center, this is an affordable but effective opportunity to earn your MLA.

Wilson College
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania


wilson college

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $515

Total Estimated Program Cost: $15,450

  • Program is offered both as a hybrid, with on campus and online courses, or entirely online for working professionals for most concentrations
  • The 300-acre campus is on the National Register of Historic Places and offers both high-tech research labs and contemplative vistas for deep thinking
  • The Academic Success Center offers both material and service support to students in need of resources or tutoring during the course of their program

Wilson was founded as a college to teach women literature, science, and the arts… that gives the school a fine foundation as a place to study the advanced aspects of the humanities, whether in the women’s studies concentration or other topics. Honor, discovery, and inclusivity are among the top values the school serves. Those are keys to not only using the Humanities graduate program as a lens to focus on your own areas of interest, but also as a way to examine yourself and your life goals.

Hood College
Graduate School
Frederick, Maryland


hood college

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $490

Total Estimated Program Cost: $14,700

  • Students have included accountants to teachers to scientists to police officers, offering a broad range of perspectives and goals in each class
  • A committed faculty of instructors who all hold terminal degrees in their fields means a deep range of expertise is on tap
  • Either portfolio or thesis options may be exercised to complete your degree
  • The Beneficial-Hodson Library offers a center of research on campus with accessible, inclusive, and culturally affirming spaces for your studies
  • The Josephine Steiner Student Success Center provides tutoring and academic resources to support you in any learning environment

As the most affordable graduate program in the humanities on the mid-Atlantic coast, the Hood MA in humanities offers you something that other advanced liberal studies programs never could: an astonishingly diverse array of fellow students and alumni. While most MA humanities degrees are available only to the select few who can afford them, Hood’s affordability offers a far more interesting array of perspectives and professions to explore the curriculum. That brings viewpoints and attitudes into your orbit that you might never encounter at other colleges, and gives you new empowerment to reach your personal goals as well as meet global challenges in leadership, service, and civic engagement.

New England
Goddard College
Plainfield, Vermont


goddard college

Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 60

Cost Per Credit: $860

Total Estimated Program Cost: $51,600

  • Low-residency program allows you to explore liberal studies through a series of intensives that allow you to maintain your normal work and personal life
  • Program faculty are nationally and internationally-recognized scholar practitioners who have extensive real-world experience as well as academic prowess
  • Residency work sharing allows interaction and feedback from fellow students as well as professors in order to hone your craft

From early beginnings as a college to teach the virtues of plain living and hard thinking on a former sheep farm, Goddard has become a unique participant in the annals of American liberal arts education. The MFA in interdisciplinary arts takes an unusual approach to both fine art and liberal studies, with the belief that vocation must blend with living and that real communities can serve as the best laboratories. Student involvement with policy-making and running the university carries over into the high degree of individuality allowed in the MFA curriculum. The low-residency model offers both time for individual growth and exploration and group activities to shape your studies through a series of intensive, focused on-campus meetings.

Wesleyan University
Department of Graduate Liberal Studies
Middletown, Connecticut


Wesleyan University Logo

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $1,080

Total Estimated Program Cost: $38,880

  • Offers courses in both in-person and hybrid formats to give you the flexibility you need to attend the classes you want
  • Evening courses allow professionals and other non-traditional students more options
  • Summer studies option lets you shift classes to match your availability any time of year
  • An accelerated MALS path for Wesleyan undergrads can save time and money
  • Part-time attendance option lets you take up to six years to complete your studies.
  • Small student cohorts ensure plenty of personalized attention from instructors
  • The Center for African American Studies, Center for the Arts, Center for Film Studies, and Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies are only a few of the on-campus resources available for research
  • The program has a dedicated staff writing instructor to help you through the hard parts of your thesis or other writing projects

Wesleyan is home of the oldest graduate liberal arts program in the country, still going strong after nearly 70 years. That kind of experience pays dividends, with instructors who have rock solid subject-matter expertise as a foundation for years of scholastic experience and academic skill. With an 8 to 1 student to instructor ratio, every seat is a front row seat, so you will be fully engaged in every one of the classic seminar-style classes. A full slate of events is also available to GLS (graduate liberal studies) students, ranging from capstone presentations to the GLS book Club to an annual Proposal Research and Writing Workshop where you can plan your own thesis or capstone. It all fits in with the outstanding reputation of one of the premiere liberal arts colleges in the country.

Harvard University
Harvard Division of Continuing Education
Cambridge, Massachusetts


harvard extension school

Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 48

Cost Per Credit: $745

Total Estimated Program Cost: $35,760

  • An entirely online program offers the kind of balance and flexibility that working professionals need to complete an MLA
  • Program graduates have found management positions in industries such as biotech, banking, health care, energy, and investment
  • An optional certificate is available in 12 different business fields ranging from corporate sustainability to marketing and digital strategy.
  • A strong cohort system gives you group feedback and projects revolving around active learning experiences to get the benefit of the real-world backgrounds of fellow students
  • Faculty include not just prestigious Harvard educators but also professionals from MIT, Princeton, and the University of Cambridge

You’re probably surprised to find Harvard on any list of most-affordable master’s degrees in the country, but it’s a hidden secret: this Ivy-grade education offers top-notch faculty and resources at rock-bottom prices. It’s even more impressive when you consider that this particular MLA is part of the elite Harvard Business pantheon… the kind of education that has sent top corporate leaders such as former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to the pinnacle of global industry. Like other MLA programs, you have the option to customize your education, which takes the form here of option certificate programs in hot business fields.


Abilene Christian University
College of Arts and Sciences
Abilene, Texas


abilene christian u

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $1,343

Total Estimated Program Cost: $48,348

  • Both online and on-campus program options are offered to fit your learning preferences and your availability
  • The degree’s culminating process involves a 3-6 hour project as well as a comprehensive written or oral examination, freeing you from traditional thesis restrictions
  • Encourages students to become well-rounded individuals within the scope of Christian higher education
  • Offers day, evening, and short course in a full or part-time format to fit your schedule
  • A culminating synthesis project allows you to put together a showcase of your results in a format not restricted by traditional thesis considerations

Fueling your curiosity and exciting your passions to explore and expand your perspectives, the ACU MLA offers exceptionally tailored curriculum plans that allow you to study in multiple subject areas to immerse yourself in a world of thought and discussion. Your voice and values are heard and respected here, even as you are introduced to new ideas and information to broaden your mind. ACU strives to expand faith and scholarship simultaneously, offering a perfect fit for Christian scholars exploring advanced studies.

Duke University
Graduate School
Durham, North Carolina


duke university graduate

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $1,404

Total Estimated Program Cost: $42,120

  • Courses delivered through small in-person seminars in order to offer you the most opportunities to contribute to the conversation and raise questions
  • Full and part-time options let you pace your studies to your own availability and preferences
  • Individualized advising and personalized professional development work ensures that your goals are viewed and treated as a priority within the program
  • A university with global name recognition delivers world-class resources to power your studies
  • Professors are award-winning professionals within their areas of expertise
  • A capstone master’s project allows you to tailor your culminating synthesis work to the format most appropriate for the subject for the MA in Liberal Studies, while the MA in Humanities offers either a final thesis or master’s exam option
  • Study abroad or away from campus to put yourself in the best position to develop the information you are looking for in your research efforts
  • Graduate certificate programs in more than 20 fields from Cognitive Neuroscience to East Asian Studies allow further expert tailoring of your studies

When it comes to Duke, you almost expect to get more than you could imagine in a graduate degree. That’s definitely the case with liberal arts options, where you have the choice of either a free-form MA in Humanities, which lets you build a distinctive interdisciplinary curriculum out of any coursework available at the university, or the flexible but more structured Graduate Liberal Studies program. Developing a robust and relevant set of personalized skills is the goal here, and the university has the scope of resources and expert instructors to let you do it in almost any field.

Dallas Baptist University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dallas, Texas


dallas baptist university graduate

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $1,404

Total Estimated Program Cost: $33,120

  • Program offered online to fit your schedule and your life
  • A broad array of concentrations offers an area of exploration for almost any goal or focus you bring to the program
  • The free University Writing Center offers help in clarifying and communicating your thoughts in writing at any level of study or in any discipline
  • The university also caters to many international students, offering a multicultural perspective in many classes and broadening your horizons through discussion with fellow students as well as instructors

DBU’s mission is to prove a Christ-centered quality education across the arts, sciences, and professional studies. The transformative nature of the education offered here is a perfect fit for advanced liberal studies. Over ten concentration areas in three different categories of exploration help you guide your own studies and ensure you have access to the right set of expert instructors and resources to match your interests. With an online program that offers a fit for both traditional and older students, DBU puts access to knowledge front and center for your master’s studies.

Vanderbilt University
College of Arts and Sciences
Nashville, Tennessee


vanderbilt university2

Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $1,044

Total Estimated Program Cost: $31,320

  • Study literature and writing where seminal Southern poets and writers such as Robert Penn Warren, the first poet laureate of the United States, studied and taught
  • Take advantage of many on-campus research centers such as the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center to tap into current thinking in the liberal arts
  • Seven Nobel Prize laureates and twenty-seven Rhodes scholars have emerged from Vanderbilt, demonstrating academic quality
  • More than 40 alumni clubs worldwide ensure you will have the opportunity to network and remain in contact with your intellectual peers after graduation
  • A flexible, part-time schedule with one evening meeting per week is designed to accommodate the needs of working professionals

Designed for adult learners who are ready to re-fire their imagination and intellectual curiosity, the Vanderbilt MLAS degree offers access to world-class faculty and learning resources to get you back into academia with a bang. Personal enrichment comes with a low seven to one student to faculty ratio that gives you quality one-to-one engagement with professors for support and guidance. A rotating roster of classes offers something new to explore and think about every semester, taught by professors and emeritus faculty with recognized skills both as educators and experts in their own fields.

Texas Christian University
AddRan College of Liberal Arts
Fort Worth, Texas


texas christian university

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $1,030

Total Estimated Program Cost: $30,900

  • Complete this comprehensive, eclectic program entirely online, on-campus, or with a hybrid approach that takes you through both traditional and remote courses
  • Rolling admissions allow for fall or spring entry
  • Experiential learning placements are encouraged to put you in field trips, research placements, or internships in your field of interest
  • Campus resource centers include the Center for Digital Expression, the Center for Language & Cultures, and the Center for Urban Studies to put focused expertise at your disposal no matter what your field of interest
  • A non-thesis completion gives you the flexibility to structure your culminating experiences here in whatever way best fits your goals

TCU’s MLA program prides itself on having something for everyone. That’s made easier by attending a classic Christian university with roots stretching back to the Restoration Movement that is ranked highly by Carnegie as a Research University but remains strongly committed to the liberal arts. Flexible scheduling and attendance mean you don’t have to set foot on the TCU campus to complete this program, but the gorgeous setting and exceptional resources available on this historic live oak-strewn, Art Deco-influenced center for learning might draw you here anyway.

Southern Methodist University
Simmons School of Education and Human Development
Dallas, Texas


southern methodist university education

Master of Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $725 

Total Estimated Program Cost: $26,100

  • A study away option offers themed trips that can take your studies around the world to explore different disciplines
  • Flexible capstone projects allow visual and artistic representations of your thoughts and research outcomes as well as traditional written experiences
  • School is a member of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies
  • Campus resources include extensive library support as well as events such as the Tate Distinguished Lecture Series and the Gartner Honors Lecture Series.
  • SMU also offers a doctoral degree in liberal studies if you should choose to take your liberal arts education to the next level

Human-centered is how SMU describes their interdisciplinary Master of Liberal Studies program. Fostering growth among both professionals and community leaders is a goal, while allowing each of them to pursue their unique passions and interests through flexible coursework that pushes new intellectual frontiers. Recent graduates have explored the economic challenges faced by women who have survived state-driven violence, bilingualism, and emotional intelligence in sports. Expert, knowledgeable, supportive faculty are there to help you take you investigations in any direction that holds your interest, and to make sure you make the most of your explorations.

University of Holy Cross
Humanities Department
New Orleans, Louisiana


university holy cross

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $705

Total Estimated Program Cost: $25,380

  • As the first interdisciplinary graduate program available at Holy Cross, the MAH receives strong support and full resources for research and study
  • Serving both traditional and non-traditional students, the MAH draws in a wide variety of perspectives and interests from students
  • The MAH program offers a 50% discount for any student currently employed in any school, public or private

Holy Cross views their new MAH program as a unique way to fulfill the overall mission of the school to provide a quality, well-rounded liberal education to the community. The school already offers one of the most unique education experiences in the south, with small classes and a faith-based curriculum that includes generous attention from professional instructors. Combining a focus on excellence with compassion, a more than 100-year history educating educators, and a picturesque riverfront campus minutes from downtown New Orleans means that you leave Holy Cross with a strong liberal arts education behind you and solid preparation for life and career in your back pocket.

Rollins College
College of Liberal Arts
Winter Park, Florida


rollins college

Master of Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 48

Cost Per Credit: $523

Total Estimated Program Cost: $25,104

  • An 11 to 1 student to faculty ratio means you never have to worry about instructors at Rollins forgetting your name or your personal ambitions
  • S. News & World Report ranks Rollins’ faculty as the very best in the South
  • Liberal arts education at Rollins is rooted in hands-on experiences that range from internships to study abroad opportunities but always connect you to real-world applications for your liberal studies
  • A unique mentorship model here ensure you have access to not just one mentor in your field, but several
  • An accelerated option in the MLS program can get you your degree one year early and save $8,000 in tuition and other costs

Rollins offers a unique liberal arts education on one of the most gorgeous campus locations in the United States, let alone the South. With MLA professors researching interests as diverse as philosophy, chemistry, and Syriac hagiography, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding the kind of expertise that you will need to fuel your studies. The quality shows in the outcomes: many Rollins MLA grads have gone on to prestigious schools to study law, communications, sociology, or even advanced studies in humanities and philosophy. You get an intensive course in critical thinking that offers long-term benefits no matter what your personal or professional goals are.

University of Dallas
Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Dallas, Texas


university dallas braniff

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $685

Total Estimated Program Cost: $24,660

  • Study entirely on campus in a traditional format, or explore several course offerings available online for additional flexibility in a hybrid format
  • A personalized curriculum built around a core of the seminal works of Western thought ensures that you get a firm grounding in traditional liberal studies as well as a full dose of your own interests
  • With experience teaching liberal arts at all three levels of college, UD faculty are among the most experienced classical educators in the country
  • The Institute of Philosophic Studies offers resources in even more advanced thinking in philosophy, politics, and literature to support your research interests
  • Teachers and educational administrators receive additional support at UD through a special Educators Cohort tuition rate
  • The Braniff Graduate Student Association offers networking and support for grad students in the MAH program
  • The Braniff Writing Lab offers individual tutoring sessions aimed at supporting students of every ability level working on any subject
  • Named the Best Small College for a Classical Education by Best Value Schools

UD has been dedicated to the renewal of the Western tradition of liberal arts and the incorporation of the Christian intellectual tradition since 1966. But while their emphasis on classical studies and the Great Works of Western writing might seem like it casts them in an old-fashioned light, the school is also all about innovation, with online courses available in some subjects and a mission to support life-long learning. A flexible and optional practicum component can offer real-world exposure to classics education, putting you in the position of teaching as you are learning.

Mississippi College
Department of Liberal Studies
Clinton, Mississippi


mississippi college

Master of Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $670

Total Estimated Program Cost: $24,120

  • Night courses are optionally available to make attendance easier for non-traditional students
  • School affiliation with the Mississippi Baptist Convention ensures a solid Christian approach to liberal arts education
  • As a non-thesis master’s program, this MLS offers more time for you to study and explore your interests and less time writing papers

As the oldest institution for higher education in the state of Mississippi, MC has a lot of expertise and historical perspective to offer graduate students in liberal studies. Courses across the spectrum of arts, Bible studies, philosophy, social science, and communications give you a grounding in traditional liberal studies. Beyond that, you are free to explore through courses in any department at the university, putting together your own plan for studies in whatever field draws your interests.

University of Richmond
School of Professional and Continuing Studies
Richmond, Virginia


university richmond

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $665

Total Estimated Program Cost: $19,950

  • Previous students have focused their studies on sustainable design, historical and cultural studies of gardening, and comic book design
  • Ranked 22nd in the country by U.S. News & World Report for Best Liberal Arts Colleges, and 25th for Best Value among National Liberal Arts Colleges
  • The number one producer of Fulbright Scholars in the United States for 2018
  • Students from 47 different states and 62 countries around the world offer a diverse cohort to study with

The University of Richmond MLA blends a study of global perspectives, traditions, and philosophies with an appreciation for modern applications in science and business. A strong focus on building your research skills allows you to take your studies in any direction, while a required course in business and professional communications hones you writing skills for the corporate world. You’ll be learning all those skills on what Princeton Review called the “Most Beautiful Campus” in the country for 2021, offering a serene environment for your contemplations. At the same time, at a school located less than 100 miles from Washington, D.C., you will find yourself on the doorstep of some of the deepest resources and brightest experts in the country to tap into during your education.

Houston Baptist University
College of Arts and Humanities
Houston, Texas


houston baptist university

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $525

Total Estimated Program Cost: $18,900

  • Full or part-time options, plus an accelerated MLA track, let you set your own pace of study
  • Courses at HBU combine classical liberal arts training with a Christian worldview to combine faith and the scientific method
  • Classes are all seminar-based and rooted in the Great Books tradition of Western liberal studies
  • Small class sizes that use the Socratic method means your instruction happens in the same style as some of the originators of the liberal arts
  • Faculty in the program are all distinguished Christian scholars from with diverse backgrounds in different areas of expertise

HBU offers liberal studies students a gorgeous 100-acre campus just minutes outside of Houston’s thriving downtown core. Located in a global hub for commerce and communication, science and business are as readily available as the arts to students here. Although it’s on the doorstep of a big city, you’ll appreciate the intimate environment in which classes are conducted at HBU, relying on the Socratic dialogue and expert, attentive instructors who have published in journals such as the Ben Jonson Journal and The New Criterion.

Wayland Baptist University
School of Languages and Literature
Plainview, Texas


wayland baptist university

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $515

Total Estimated Program Cost: $18,540

  • Pursue your humanities degree in an academically challenging yet distinctively Christian environment to marry faith and intellectual studies
  • The university prizes hands-on learning opportunities such as internships, professional projects, study, or service abroad
  • Multidisciplinary tutorial services are on tap if you find yourself bogged down at any point in your studies
  • The Mabee Learning Resources Center offers personalized research assistance for liberal arts students performing in-depth investigations

Diverse reading, writing, discussion board, and other assignments help step up your critical thinking game during your studies at Wayland. With four different specializations available, you can put those analytical and communication skills to good use in a focus that fits your personal and professional goals. With financial support from Plainview resident Jimmy Dean, the college has all the resources you need to develop and explore your most advanced thoughts in any of the four main areas of specialization this degree offers.

Faulkner University
College of Arts and Sciences
Montgomery, Alabama


faulkner university

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $475

Total Estimated Program Cost: $17,100

  • An entirely online program offers tremendous freedom in time and place as well as intellectual exploration
  • Program is designed to offer both intellectual and spiritual stimulation
  • Curriculum revolves around the Great Books program, exploring seminal works of literature in philosophy, religion, and the humanities in your classes
  • A user-friendly virtual learning platform delivers flexible, customized scheduling, faster completion times for classes, and tuition rates that won’t break your budget

With Faulkner’s 100 percent online MA in Humanities program, you get the option of learning from a national leader in Christian education from anywhere in the country. Faulkner leans on the efficiencies available through online learning to cut down your tuition costs and land themselves on the most affordable school list without compromising their mission or values. You’ll get foundational courses that take you through the essential knowledge of the history of thought and learning, then build your communications skills before moving on to comprehensive studies in your own chosen research areas. A dedicated thesis course helps you round out your ideas and put them together in a way that will wow your thesis committee and build your expertise to your own high standards.

Hollins University
Roanoke, Virginia


hollins university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 40

Cost Per Credit: $415

Total Estimated Program Cost: $16,600

  • As a women’s college, you can enjoy the security and self-confidence that comes from being surrounded by your peers
  • Flexible class scheduling with both on campus and online options gives you tremendous freedom to design your own program around your own life
  • A world-class faculty brings decades of experience to the table in their areas of expertise
  • A culminating capstone experience brings together theoretical concepts from your courses in an applied project to tie your learning experience together
  • A dual enrollment certification program offers the opportunity for teachers in English, history, or mathematics to apply their certificate course credits toward their MALS
  • Join students from more than 20 different countries and nearly 40 states for perspective-broadening discussions in your classes
  • The Center for College Affordability and Productivity has twice named Hollins among the top 25 schools in the country with the best professors
  • Almost 60 percent of students study abroad at some point

Hollins bases their MALS program around the university’s tradition of excellence in the liberal arts hallmarks of writing, critical thinking, and creativity. Their flexible hybrid approach to scheduling is just one example of how this can benefit you. Students rave about the stimulating but intimate environment and the rigorous pursuit of excellence in writing and thinking. A fun, creative campus with crazy traditions like cancelling class for one day each fall term for a hike up a nearby mountain in colorful costumes for a fried chicken picnic will certainly open up your mind to new possibilities.

Converse College
School of Education and Graduate Studies
Spartanburg, South Carolina


converse college

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $416

Total Estimated Program Cost: $14,976

  • An emphasis on broad experiential learning means getting hands-on through internships, clinical experiences, or study travel for many Converse students
  • Fostering communication and creativity among artists means your artistic explorations will get a liberal arts boost at Converse
  • The university keeps a low student to faculty ratio to ensure you get personalized attention in all of your courses
  • A wide array of student organizations gives you an opportunity to get together with fellow students who share your interests

Personal and professional growth are fostered at Converse by an emphasis on writing, speaking, and overall thinking skills in the best liberal arts tradition. The school is a well-established teacher’s college, so educators get a leg up in pursuing their interests and professional qualifications by enrolling here. And with one of the lowest per-credit tuition rates on the list, the Converse MLA is affordable even on a teacher’s salary.

University of St. Thomas
Division of Liberal Studies
Houston, Texas


university st thomas houston

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $470

Total Estimated Program Cost: $14,100

  • The Executive MLA option is available both in-person and online to cater to the schedule of busy professionals
  • Small class sizes and personal attention mean you can make the most of the deep expertise and research experience held by the St. Thomas faculty
  • Courses offered in the evenings make the program accessible even for non-traditional students with outside commitments
  • Many internship and study abroad opportunities give you a chance to immerse yourself in your field of interest
  • A dual concentration option allows you to mix and match from the more than a dozen different focus areas offered
  • Names as among the Best Regional Universities by U.S. News & World Report for 2021

St. Thomas is definitely the place to be if you are seeking variety in your Master of Liberal Arts curriculum. With more than a dozen concentrations listed, plus interdisciplinary mix-and-match degree options, they have far and away the greatest variety of specializations listed of any school on the list… and one of the most affordable tuition rates in the bargain. A Great Books and Great Ideas approach to liberal studies exposes you to some of the most influential works and thoughts in the Western pantheon. If you want to understand the range of thoughts that have shaped modern civilization, and to contribute your own, there’s no better school to pursue that education.

Milligan University
Schoo of Arts and Humanities
Milligan, Tennessee


milligan university

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $432

Total Estimated Program Cost: $12,960

  • A combination of traditional and hybrid courses, plus both regular session and summer study options, opens up your schedule to accommodate personal or professional obligations
  • Program can be completed in as little as one and a half years of study
  • An accelerated BA+MAH plan allows you to stack your humanities masters degree on top of your bachelor’s education to earn both in only five years of study
  • Students from more than 35 states and 30 different countries offer a multicultural flavor in a very small and tightly-connected student body
  • Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the best regional universities in the south for both quality and value

A gorgeous northeastern Tennessee setting makes it easy to connect your studies with a real appreciation for the natural world as well as access to cultural activities in nearby Johnson City. The school’s unique humanities program brings history, literature, fine arts, and philosophy together in even the normal course of studies here. First-year students start out with texts ranging from Homer to Virginia Woolf, so you can bet that the master’s program is steeped in analysis and introspection. As a traditional Christian university, you’ll find all of your studies tempered with a perspective on religion and exploration of your own relationship with God.


Stanford University
School of Humanities and Sciences
Stanford, California


stanford university

Master of Liberal Arts

Estimated Credits Required: 33 (50 quarter-credits before converting to common semester credit unit)

Cost Per Credit: $1,387 ($915 before converting to common semester credit unit)

Total Estimated Program Cost: $45,771

  • Evening classes with a flexible academic calendar opens this top-notch program up to busy adults and professionals
  • Opportunities for intellectual engagement around the world open up through faculty-lead field trips, including prestigious study opportunities at Oxford and Cambridge
  • Small seminar-style courses put you on intimate terms with both professors and fellow students
  • You’ll enjoy full access to the vast array of resources, both digital and in physical archives, amassed in the Stanford collection
  • Eminent faculty and authors participate in evening lecture and discussion programs open to MLA students
  • A dedicated MLA writing consultant is available to assist with thesis-writing and other papers required through the program
  • Unique seminar subjects are offered each year ranging from anthropology to classics to the history of science to diversity studies

You’re probably surprised to find an elite college like Stanford offering one the most-affordable MLA programs in the country. To be fair, it’s only just barely most-affordable. But the value of this program is demonstrated by the diversity of students who choose it—lawyers, teachers, CEOs, computer scientists, parents, journalists, physicians, and more. They come together in close-knit cohorts who have decades of crucial lived experience that help shape perspectives and knowledge. You tap into that together with the kind of scholarly abilities that you get from professors at one of the finest universities in the nation. There’s no question that Stanford is a heavyweight in the intellectual spectrum of American society, and holding an MLA from the university will put you in the top tier of global thought-leaders.

Mount Saint Mary’s University
Graduate Division
Los Angeles, California


mount saint marys university graduate

Master of Arts in Humanities

Estimated Credits Required: 30

Cost Per Credit: $1,076

Total Estimated Program Cost: $32,280

  • An innovative weekend-only format provides even more flexibility for working professionals, with full-time and part-time options available
  • The beautiful, historic Doheny campus provides state of the art classrooms and a wealth of resources for study and contemplation
  • Program is a member of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs
  • A travel study opportunity included each year offers the chance to travel to important cultural and historical landmarks all around the world for a more in-depth learning experience
  • Offers both thesis and graduate-level project options for the culminating course

The MA in Humanities program at the Mount brings together students from all kinds of professional and educational backgrounds and cultivates discussions about modern issues facing Los Angeles, the Pacific Rim, and the world in general through the lens of classic liberal arts. Human nature, values, and morality are all in play in this religiously-informed program led by expert, professional instructors. Unlike other schools that shift their courses to evening hours for non-traditional students, Mount Saint Mary’s offers an innovative weekend class format that doesn’t force you to try to stay awake for energetic discussions after hours.

Alaska Pacific University
Liberal Studies Department
Anchorage, Alaska


alaska pacific university

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Estimated Credits Required: 36

Cost Per Credit: $867

Total Estimated Program Cost: $31,212

  • One-on-one mentorships with both APU faculty and outside experts and professionals extend your personalized course of study here
  • The college’s Institute of Culture & Environment blends liberal studies with marine and environmental sciences and outdoor studies for a unique liberal arts focus
  • Founded by Aleut minister Reverend Doctor Peter Gordon Gould, the Methodist-affiliated university honors the Alaskan and Native communities

There’s always something unique about the 49th state, and when it comes to advanced liberal studies, that’s the innovative MAP program in liberal studies at APU. At a university founded by a native Aleut and which continues to honor the indigenous heritage of the Last Frontier, your mind will find new directions opening up for investigation and research. At the same time, you’ll find the expertise you need to help you in your studies through institutes such as Culture & Environment and Business and Public Policy that allow you to make meaningful contributions in your field even as you advance your own understanding.