This list is full of two things that people never associate with advanced degrees in liberal studies… state schools and affordable tuition rates.
It’s pretty likely that when you started thinking about pursuing a master’s degree in the liberal arts, you were thinking about some elite private university tucked away in a small college town, with eccentric professors exploring radical ideas over craft brews in the local pub.
Then you took a look at the price tag.
There’s no doubt about it – those private liberal arts colleges are amazing bastions of free thinking where interdepartmental resources come together to create a great student experience. But in most cases, even the most affordable MALS (MA in Liberal Studies) and MLS (Master of Liberal Studies) programs at private universities come with a per-credit cost north of a thousand dollars. And one thing they don’t come with is any in-state discounts. Then you have the fact that there are so few of those programs to choose from, even if you find one you can afford, you’ll likely find yourself picking up the expense of relocating to attend it.
Never fear, though! Your goal of getting the master’s in liberal studies you have been dreaming of are still totally achievable. And you don’t need to compromise anything to realize that dream. In fact, you might even find that you have a greater selection, more opportunities, and a more comprehensive course of study by selecting one of these more affordable state schools. And there’s a good chance you’ll find one conveniently located in your home state, offering the in-state discounts that help make them so accessible.
State Universities Offer Both Affordable Tuition Rates and the Assurance of a Quality Education
Low cost doesn’t mean low quality. Especially at schools that easily exceed the accreditation standards required to be able to receive the federal grants and loans most students depend on to cover tuition costs. Accreditation standards for state schools are identical to what you’ll find at higher cost private universities.
The reason that state schools are more affordable is easy to see. They are partly subsidized by the state itself, which means they don’t have to pay all those pricey professorial salaries out of your tuition. You’re getting extra educational value courtesy of the taxpayers of your state, who kick in a few dimes out of their annual tax bills to help maintain an accessible, quality higher education system.
Additionally, state schools tend to be pretty big schools. Volume means efficiency, with the administrative overhead, facilities costs, and other big-ticket expenses spread out proportionately across a larger number of students.
The same reasons that state universities are more affordable bring other advantages, however. That kind of financial support means stability. You don’t have to worry about classes being dropped or resources suddenly evaporating halfway through your studies.
And the size of the school means greater opportunity. A larger state university is just going to have more going on than a small, isolated liberal arts school. You have a wider variety of cities to choose from and more connections to be made in more fields.
So, if you’re looking at bringing the price tag down for your master’s in liberal studies while keeping the quality high, the least expensive state universities might still bring you more advantages than higher priced private schools.
Liberal Studies Programs at State Schools Offer a Deep Bench of Interdepartmental Expertise
A master’s in liberal arts is something of a luxury when you get right down to it. Though there are many advantages it will give you, ultimately you pursue a MALS or MLS because you have a deep interest in a specific area of classical studies, or in the process of learning and academic research itself.
So, there are good reasons to keep your costs reasonable and your options open. All of the affordable state schools you will find on this list give you both of those advantages.
With per-credit tuition rates comparable to other master’s-level programs offered at these schools, they don’t run up the bill any higher for their liberal arts grad students. And the broad range of coursework and fields of expertise available in a state university system opens up your options for the kind of classes you can take and the opportunities you can draw on to make your degree relevant to your career or life goals.
Just like any good master’s degree designed in the liberal arts tradition, the affordable master’s programs on this list will develop your skills in…
Critical thinking and problem-solving – You’ll learn to think more expansively and analyze both your own and other people’s ideas more quickly and accurately.
Both written and verbal communication skills – The timeless skills of rhetoric and writing are emphasized and polished in master’s programs, giving you better tools to express yourself more clearly and concisely.
Interdisciplinary and comparative research – A master’s in liberal studies almost always involves crossing the boundaries of different disciplines and expanding your thinking skills by finding ways in which apparently unrelated areas of knowledge are actually tied together below the surface.
In-depth subject-matter knowledge – Two years of intensive research to support your master’s thesis or capstone project will give you expert-level knowledge in your area of investigation, comparable to any professional degree.
Although you already likely have a good idea what specific topics you want to study as a part of your liberal arts master’s degree, the very experience of attending a public university might help narrow your focus. You will be exposed to many more ideas and concepts through your studies at these schools which can open new horizons for your investigations.
Identifying the Most Affordable Public University Master’s Programs in Liberal Studies from Coast to Coast
Public universities open up your horizons a lot in terms of locations and options for attending a liberal arts master’s program. But there are still a limited number of them relative to the vast array of public schools in the country. You can rest assured that getting any kind of master’s in liberal arts puts you among a pretty elite constellation of graduates.
We identified the top 40+ most affordable public universities offering MALS and MLS degrees, based strictly on the total tuition costs for in-state students.
We made a point to leave out the location-specific differentiators like housing and cost of living. Everyone already knows that housing – even on-campus – is going to cost a lot more in New York than Nebraska. By looking strictly at tuition rates, we are able to present a simple and fair side-by-side comparison of all schools from coast-to-coast, giving you a complete list of programs from around the country.
We also show the per-credit tuition rates to give a sense of how deep the discounts are for in-state students. Since most universities operate on the semester system, we converted the few schools on the quarter-credit system to a semester equivalent and adjusted those per-credit costs accordingly. This was just done as a way to keep data points uniform across the board.
Cost Shouldn’t Be the Only Consideration When Picking the Best Liberal Arts Degree for Yourself
Cost was our biggest consideration when building this list, but we know it won’t be your only concern when you are making a major decision about committing to a master’s program. So, in addition to listing the school and degree, we are giving you all the other information you need to make a first pass at narrowing down your options, including formal concentrations available, application requirements, whether or not standardized test scores are required and whether or not alternative attendance options are available, such as hybrid or online formats.
And we have carefully gone over each program and pulled out other kinds of unique information that might help you make up your mind. If a school offers a particularly customizable course of study, we noted it. If the student body is particularly small and tight-knit, we tell you about it. When a school has received additional funding or offers unique research opportunities, you will see it here.
We also noted which schools have received outside accolades, including rankings or mentions from U.S. News & World Reports, Money Magazine, or The Princeton Review. And where schools have developed outside connections with government, nonprofit, or business to provide experiential learning opportunities, we highlight those partnerships to give you an idea what research or internship choices you might have.
2024 - The Most Affordable Public Colleges Offering Master’s Degrees in Liberal Studies
With more than 40 affordable public university options around the country to choose from for your master of liberal studies, you can set out on your path to more knowledge and more powerful thinking skills, and arrive at your destination with a little extra money in your pocket.
University of Michigan Flint
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Flint, Michigan

MA in Liberal Studies in American Culture (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $20,370
Cost Per Credit: $679 (in-state), $1,016 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Electives courses allow students to design a customized curriculum that best reflects their personal and professional interests and goals
- Outstanding research and service-learning projects focused on contributing to the common good have earned UM-Flint the Carnegie Classification for Civic Engagement
- Opportunity to add a graduate certificate in Business to this master’s degree
The MA in Liberal Studies at UM-Flint offers a truly unique focus you won’t find anywhere else: American Culture. As a liberal arts student here, you’ll explore the American experience at all stages and ages, delving into topics like race, gender, politics, and religion to gain a deeper and more nuanced perspective of the history that’s shaped our country. Priced right, delivered in both an online and on-campus format, and offered as either a full- or part-time program, this dynamic course of graduate study is designed with your success in mind. Business leaders, community activists, religious leaders, and artists, along with future PhD students and recent grads, will all find value in this exciting interdisciplinary master’s program. The MA in Liberal Studies at the University of Michigan Flint provides exciting opportunities to engage in independent studies, participate in individual research or creative projects, and complete a thesis that reflects your personal interests. And if you want to take your master’s degree one step further, consider adding a graduate certificate in Business!
University of Toledo
College of Arts and Letters
Toledo, Ohio

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online, hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $20,295
Cost Per Credit: $615 (in-state), $863 (out-of-state), $615 (in-state online), $620 (out-of-state online)
- No GRE required
- Graduate certificates can be completed alongside your master’s degree, and many are available online; options include Contemporary Gerontological Practice, Disability Studies, Diversity, Foundations of Peace Education, GIS, Health and Human Services, Management of Nonprofit Organizations, Municipal Administration, and Women and Gender Studies
- Students enrolled in UToledo’s liberal studies bachelor’s degree can enroll in up to nine graduate credits and then transfer them to the MLS
- Outstanding faculty connections available here – Faculty members across all of the university’s 11 academic colleges participate in the program
The University of Toledo’s Master of Liberal Studies offers affordability, flexible learning options, and a customizable curriculum for the best in interdisciplinary learning. Established professionals, recent graduates, and future PhD students are all welcome here, with full- and part-time options, evening and weekend classes, and on-campus study, online study or a blend of both ensuring outstanding convenience for today’s adult learners. UToledo also offers graduate certificate programs (many of which are available fully online) in areas like women’s and gender studies, gerontology, diversity, and peace education that you can complete concurrently with your master’s degree for a truly customized learning experience!
North Carolina State University of Raleigh
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Raleigh, North Carolina

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $20,150
Cost Per Credit: $650 (in-state), $1,649 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Leading public research university boasts more than 36,000 students
- Customizable program allows students to design their own concentration that’s focused on an interdisciplinary theme or topic of choice
- Opportunities to complete an independent study project alongside a faculty member and/or take courses from other universities
The MA in Liberal Studies at NCSU-Raleigh is affordability and personalized learning at their finest! Offering a budget-friendly tuition, a flexible curriculum that includes evening courses and seminars, the option of taking classes just one at a time, and exciting opportunities to explore a variety of subjects and fields, this graduate course of study is the ideal program for today’s adult learners. You’ll customize your program by proposing a six-course concentration on an interdisciplinary theme or topic of your choice and working with an advisor to create a program that draws from at least three different academic disciplines. Students here also have the opportunity to explore an area of interest by working alongside a faculty member as they complete an independent study project and/or take courses from other universities. This is where you’ll explore your personal interests, pursue your professional goals, and continue your lifelong love of learning!
Kent State University-Main Campus
College of Arts and Sciences
Kent, Ohio

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $19,620
Cost Per Credit: $654 (in-state), $1,220 (out-of-state), $590 (in-state online), $600 (out-of-state online)
- No GRE requirement
- Exceptional worldwide alumni network of more than 262,000 graduates from the university’s eight-campus system
- Ranked a Top Public University in the nation and the highest-ranking public university in Northern Ohio by U.S. News & World Report
- Outstanding opportunities to customize your education – electives can be chosen throughout the university’s many colleges and departments
Kent State University’s Master of Liberal Studies isn’t the only program of its kind in Ohio, but it’s the only one that offers the kind of outstanding flexibility and affordability that today’s progressive-minded students demand. This exciting course of interdisciplinary study lets you choose your own courses throughout the university’s many colleges and schools. Consisting of just one required course, complemented by your choice of electives that reflect your personal goals and pursuits, this outstanding program offers a truly customizable course of graduate study! Offered both on-campus and online, Kent State’s Master of Liberal Studies program is designed to accommodate the needs of its students, whether they’re recent grads, working professionals, or future PhD students. Interested in adding a global element to your program? Consider one of Kent State’s 200+ education-abroad programs to more than 60 countries!
East Tennessee State University
College of Graduate and Continuing Studies
Johnson City, Tennessee

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Liberal Studies
- Archival Studies
- Gender and Diversity Studies
- Regional and Community Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $18,910
Cost Per Credit: $610 (in-state), $841 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Flexible program design features both online and on-campus courses and your choice of full- or part-time study
- Exciting, contemporary specializations ensure a relevant course of study for today’s complex, global society
- Outstanding graduate alumni network of more than 16,000
Offered fully online and priced right, East Tennessee State University’s MA in Liberal Arts provides a flexible and affordable course of interdisciplinary study that encourages critical thought, creative thinking, and lifelong learning. Recent grads, aspiring PhD students, and working professionals will all find value in this exciting course of study that offers unique insight into our increasingly complex, global society. Whether you want to attend classes part-time or full-time, and on-campus (evening courses) or online, the MA in Liberal Studies offers the flexibility and convenience today’s adult learners demand.
Coastal Carolina University
Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Conway, South Carolina

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $17,940
Cost Per Credit: $598 (in-state), $1,102 (out-of-state)
- GRE scores required only for applicants with an undergraduate GPA of less than 3.0
- Ranked 5th on U.S. News & World Report’s Best Value Schools List for 2022; consistently named as a Best Value School for the past 10 years
- Ranked Among the Best Regional Universities (South), Top Public Universities, Top Performers for Social Mobility, and the Most Innovative Schools by U.S. News & World Report
- Outstanding student engagement and personalized attention thanks to a low, 7:1 student-to-faculty ratio
Coastal Carolina University’s MA in Liberal Studies features the interdisciplinary design that’ll prepare you to become an active participant in today’s dynamic, ever-changing workforce. A core of four courses provides students with a valuable introduction to the liberal arts and an opportunity to hone their research and communication skills, while six elective courses provide them with an opportunity to focus their graduate course of study on a topic of interest. With an outstanding selection of graduate courses available both within and outside of the Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, opportunities to customize the MA in Liberal Studies are nearly endless! With on-campus, online, and hybrid courses; a low, student-to-faculty ratio of just 7:1; outstanding fellowship and research opportunities; and a tuition that places it among the nation’s most affordable, Coastal Carolina’s MA in Liberal Studies is everything you could want in an exciting, interdisciplinary master’s degree!
SUNY at Albany
College of Arts and Sciences
Albany, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $17,670
Cost Per Credit: $589 (in-state), $1,081 (out-of-state)
- GRE required for admission
- Named one of America’s Top Colleges by Forbes
- Part of the SUNY University System, an internationally recognized research facility (Designated a Carnegie R1 Top-Tier Research Institution) that boasts a world-class faculty of more than 1,200
- Highly customizable course of study includes your choice of courses from at least two disciplines
SUNY at Albany’s MA in Liberal Studies is where students learn to think creatively, examine critically, and explore a fantastic array of topics in the arts, humanities, and the social sciences. A budget-friendly tuition and a highly customizable design allows students here to create a program that reflects their personal and professional goals and pursuits at the graduate level without breaking the bank. And thanks to the program’s interdisciplinary focus, students are encouraged to think broadly in the global context to advance their skills and knowledge, helping them become valuable contributors in an evolving society. Choose SUNY at Albany’s MA in Liberal Studies and you’ll complete a series of humanities and social sciences survey courses and your choice of exciting electives from at least two departments. Study politics, human rights, literature, gender and race… the choice is yours!
University of Memphis
College of Professional and Liberal Studies
Memphis, Tennessee

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $17,193
Cost Per Credit: $606 (online)
- GRE not required
- Your choice of on-campus and/or online courses ensures a flexible, convenient course of study
- Fully customizable program allows students to choose from two or more disciplines
- Designated a Carnegie R1 Top-Tier Research Institution
The University of Memphis MA in Liberal Studies offers a customizable course of study, the choice of either on-campus or online delivery, and an attractive price tag for the aspiring PhD student, the recent graduate, the mid-career professional, or the lifelong learner. Featuring a flexible and adaptable curriculum, the MA in Liberal Studies allows students to design a program that meets their specific personal and professional goals. Students choose from two or more disciplines and then work closely with an academic advisor to design a program that satisfies their goals while also ensuring that the interdisciplinary intent of the program is realized. This is personalized learning at its finest!
CUNY Graduate School and University Center
The Graduate Center
New York, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online, hybrid)
- African Studies
- American Studies
- Approaches to Modernity
- Archaeology of the Classical, Late Antique, and Islamic Worlds
- Childhood and Youth Studies
- Fashion Studies
- Film Studies
- Global Early Modern Studies
- Individualized Studies
- International Studies
- Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
- Law and Society
- New York Studies
- Social and Environmental Justice Studies
- Urban Studies
- Western Intellectual Traditions
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $17,100
Cost Per Credit: $570 (in-state), $955 (out-of-state)
- GRE requirement temporarily waived
- CUNY Graduate School has been a leader in graduate education since 1961
- Internationally renowned faculty includes a core of about 140 instructors and mentors, most of whom are senior scholars; also draws on more than 2,000 faculty members across CUNY colleges and from NYC cultural, academic, and scientific institutions
With the option to take courses online or on-campus and one of the best selections of contemporary concentrations, the CUNY MA in Liberal Studies is a standout in interdisciplinary graduate education! Led by a renowned and dedicated faculty of scholars, researchers, and practitioners (many of whom are recipients of the highest awards in their fields) and offered in a full- or part-time format, the MA in Liberal Studies is rich in both academic rigor and flexibility for the adult learner. Innovation is alive and well at CUNY Graduate School, resulting in millions of dollars in grants, more than 30 research centers and institutes, and outstanding initiatives coming out of the Advanced Science Research Center. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a future PhD student, or a mid-career professional, you’ll find the MA in Liberal Studies to be a rewarding pathway to personal and professional exploration and discovery.
Lehman College
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Bronx, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $16,632
Cost Per Credit: $462 (in-state), $855 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Many of the elective courses offered online for the best in convenience and flexibility
- Outstanding options for a truly customizable course of study – courses from more than 20 departments available
- Ranked first in the northern region for its low student debt load by U.S. News & World Report
- Ranked in the top 10% among Washington Monthly’s Best Bank for Your Buck Northeast list
For interdisciplinary study at the graduate level, the Lehman College MA in Liberal Studies doesn’t disappoint! Grounded in value in higher education and committed to individualized learning, this program allows students to create a program that best reflects their personal and professional interests and pursuits. The program’s 12-credit core is complemented by your choice of 18 electives that allow you to design an interdepartmental program that’s uniquely you. Africana Studies…English…Biological Sciences…Latin American and Latino Studies…Philosophy – there’s more than 20 departments from which to choose courses for your liberal arts master’s degree! Offered through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the MA in Liberal Studies is ideally designed with the adult learner in mind, with a variety of online courses available. Students here can also earn up to six college credits for life experience!
Stony Brook University
School of Professional Development
Stony Brook, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $15,543
Cost Per Credit: $461 (in-state), $963 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Option to add one of the university’s exciting graduate certificates in Coaching, Finance, Higher Education Administration, Human Resource Management, Operations Research, or Teaching and Learning with Technology to your degree
- Consistently recognized among the top public universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
- Ranked among the Top 1% of Universities in the World – QS World University Rankings, 2018
- Ranked among the Top 15 Best Value Public Colleges by Forbes in 2019
Whether on-campus or online study is right for you, Stony Brook University’s MA in Liberal Studies will provide you with an exciting and affordable graduate program that’s committed to interdisciplinary study and personalized learning. You’ll be taught by a diverse faculty who will encourage you to think critically, explore creatively, and problem-solve as you consider collaboration and communication with a global mindset. There are plenty of opportunities to dive deep here by adding a certificate in an area like coaching, higher education administration, and operations research. Choose a blend of on-campus (including evenings and weekends!) and online courses or take all your courses online – the choice is yours! The MA in Liberal Studies can also help you work toward meeting the requirements for professional certification as a teacher in New York. Consistently recognized for its academic excellence and value, Stony Brook is where tomorrow’s trailblazers and changemakers are born!
Metropolitan State University
College of Liberal Arts
Saint Paul, Minnesota

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $15,200
Cost Per Credit: $475 (in-state), $841 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Flexible course options include both weekend and evening courses to accommodate today’s busy, working professionals
- Outstanding faculty advising provides guidance and support as students create their own individualized plan of study
- Ranked among the top universities in the nation and the first in Minnesota on CollegeNet’s social mobility index
- Superb faculty has been nationally recognized with a Hesburgh Award for teaching excellence
The Metropolitan State University MA in Liberal Studies comes complete with a flexible, interdisciplinary curriculum that allows students to explore topics that reflect their interests and professional goals and a tuition that reflects a dedication to value and affordability. Students here begin this exciting course of study by taking a series of team-taught courses that explore a number of liberal arts themes and issues. They then move on to create their own research projects and take courses that align with their professional and personal goals. The degree culminates in a self-designed capstone that reflects what they’ve learned. This student-centered graduate program is ideally designed for the adult learner, featuring flexible options that include evening and weekend courses and outstanding faculty advising that offers intensive guidance and support as you create your own individualized plan of study.
University of South Florida
College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Tampa, Florida

MA in Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- American Studies
- Film Studies
- Humanities
Total Estimated Cost: $14,388
Cost Per Credit: $436 (in-state), $881 (out-of-state)
- GRE recommended, not required
- Superb research opportunities found here – USF is classified as just one of 94 public research universities nationwide classified as a Doctoral University with the “Highest Research Activity” by the Carnegie Foundation
- Outstanding value earned USF a ranking among the Top 100 Best Values in Public Colleges by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance in 2019
The University of South Florida’s MA in Liberal Arts offers three, distinct concentrations that provide broad-minded, adventurous grad students with the opportunity to analyze patterns in everything from American culture to European and Latin American music and arts to film as a form of cultural expression. Students of the MA in Liberal Arts may also explore tracks in Africana Studies, Social and Political Thought, or Florida Studies, each of which is run independently by separate departments. Offering interdisciplinary study at its finest, the MA in Liberal Arts explores the complex, interwoven relationships between the arts, social structures, and history. Backed by USF’s exceptional research efforts, which included more than $500 million in research contracts and grants in 2020 alone, this program allows students to become fully engaged, active participants in their graduate studies.
Alcorn State University
Graduate School
Lorman, Mississippi

Master of Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Criminal Justice
- English Literature
- History
- Mass Communication
- Music
- Political Science
Total Estimated Cost: $14,289
Cost Per Credit: $433 (in-state), $433 (out-of-state)
- GRE requirement waived
- Outstanding, collaborative relationships with dedicated faculty mentors provide students with a supportive learning environment that breeds success
- Small student body of just 4,000 ensures a personalized, close-knit learning experience
Alcorn State University offers an affordable, robust path to a liberal arts graduate education that includes your choice of exciting, contemporary concentrations. Holding the esteemed status as the nation’s first public historically land-grant institution, Alcorn State has always been on the forefront of innovation and progressive thought, and its dynamic Master of Liberal Arts program continues this legacy. Students of this program explore and discover their voice, their passion and become the next generation of critical thinkers, creative minds, and thoughtful scholars.
SUNY Brockport
School of Arts and Sciences
Brockport, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (online, hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $14,130
Cost Per Credit: $471 (in-state), $963 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Outstanding, distance-based course delivery includes 100% online core courses and your choice of online or on-campus elective courses
- Truly customized course of study allows students to design a program (called a Plan of Study) that reflects their personal and professional goals and interests
SUNY Brockport’s MA in Liberal Studies provides today’s critically minded, globally focused students with an exciting course of graduate study and a budget-friendly tuition. Designed with the adult learner in mind, you’ll be able to complete your program either partially or fully online for the best in flexibility and convenience. And though you’ll be studying from a distance, you’ll still enjoy outstanding support and guidance as you design and implement a plan of study that clearly reflects your interests, passions, and professional goals. Education, business, human services, the arts… wherever your dreams and goals take you, SUNY Brockport’s MA in Liberal Studies will get you there!
SUNY College of Old Westbury
School of Arts and Sciences
Long Island, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online, hybrid)
- American Studies
- Cultural Studies
- English Literature
- History
- Migration and Immigration Studies
- Media Studies
- Mental Health
- Modern Languages
- Social Justice
- Visual Studies
- Self-Designed
Total Estimated Cost: $14,130
Cost Per Credit: $471 (in-state), $963 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Outstanding value includes a ranking by Money magazine as a Best Value university in 2020-2021
- A longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion has earned SUNY at Westbury the 2021 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award
- A faculty advisor will guide and support you throughout your graduate education journey, helping you create an individualized curriculum that best reflects your individual goals
SUNY College at Westbury’s MA in Liberal Studies is for intellectually curious, lifelong learners who want to advance their studies to the graduate level for personal satisfaction and professional gain. Ideally designed with your choice of concentrations or open to a fully customizable program that reflects your professional and personal goals and interests, you’ll love this program for its contemporary, relevant course options, its budget-friendly tuition, and its long-standing reputation for academic excellence and student success. Thanks to SUNY Westbury’s close partnerships with agencies, organizations, and companies in government, health, business, and nonprofit, your experiential learning opportunities are sure to be dynamic and constructive. Currently certified teachers in English, history, Spanish, or the visual arts may also find significant value in this degree.
SUNY Empire State College
School for Graduate Studies
Saratoga Springs, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (online)
- Public History-Heritage Preservation
- American Studies
- Women and Gender Studies
- Performance Studies
- Historical Studies
- The Arts
- Creative Writing
- Educational Studies
- Health and Wellness Studies
- Social Justice-Community Development and Advocacy
- International Studies
- Dance and Movement Studies
- English Literature and Language
Total Estimated Cost: $14,130
Cost Per Credit: $471 (in-state), $963 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- An exciting partnership with the Sunbridge Institute allows students to design a concentration in Walford Education; twelve credits awarded to students who have completed the Walford Early Childhood or Elementary Teacher education programs
- Exciting options to further personalize your graduate education with an advanced certificate in American Studies, Community Advocacy, Heritage Preservation, Public History, and Women’s or Gender Studies
- Program design includes online courses with several on-campus residences – provides nontraditional students with outstanding convenience and flexibility
The SUNY Empire State College MA in Liberal Studies really does have it all – an affordable tuition that places it below the national average among similar programs… convenient, online delivery with several weekend residences that’s designed with nontraditional, adult learners in mind… and exciting, contemporary concentrations that reflect the globally minded, creatively focused, critical thinker and active learner. Choose an area of concentration and then supplement it with six electives that best reflect your personal and professional goals for a truly customized course of study. Interested in taking your degree even further? SUNY Empire State offers advanced certificates in American Studies, Community Advocacy, Heritage Preservation, Public History, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
College of Staten Island CUNY
Division of Humanities & Social Sciences
Staten Island, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $13,860
Cost Per Credit: $462 (in-state), $855 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Program satisfies NYSED’s degree requirements for professional certification and is a good fit for both public school and college teachers focused on areas like philosophy, world culture, literature, and social studies
- Named a Green College by the Princeton Review in 2022, which recognizes its efforts in sustainability, citizenship, and environmental responsibility
- Ranked high among national university rankings for diversity by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education
The College of Staten Island SUNY MA in Liberal Studies provides grad students like you with an interdisciplinary course of study that’s focused on Western society and culture. The origins, the evolution, and the impact of technological advancements – they’re all part of this exciting program. Whether you’re interested in advancing your career or prepping for doctoral study this program is designed with you in mind. Many alumni have been accepted into PhD programs in areas like history, philosophy, geography, and anthropology. It’s also an excellent choice for public school and college teachers focused on advancing their education in the areas of philosophy, world culture, literature, or social studies.
CUNY Queens College
Queens, New York

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $13,860
Cost Per Credit: $462 (in-state), $855 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Outstanding record of academic excellence includes a spot among the top-ten public colleges in the Northeast published by U.S. News & World Report
- Designed with the adult learner in mind – many classes are held in the late afternoon and evenings to accommodate the busy, professional lives of its students
- Exceptional student diversity includes a student body that represents more than 170 countries
CUNY Queens College’s MA in Liberal Studies boasts everything you need in a solid interdisciplinary graduate program. Outstanding value (it’s been consistently ranked as a Princeton Review “Best Value” college), a foundation of three, core seminars that explore the sources and development of Western values, and a self-designed curriculum that allows you to examine a specific problem, theme, or topic of choice make this a program where globally minded, critical thinkers like you come to broaden your horizons, advance your education, and continue your exploration of the liberal arts. Choose CUNY Queens’s College for your liberal arts graduate education and you’ll learn from the best – award-winning and renowned artists, activists, leaders, scientists, newsmakers and more who have been recognized for their scholarship through organizations such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Delta State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Cleveland, Mississippi

MA in Liberal Studies (online)
- Community Development
- English
- Globalization Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- History
Total Estimated Cost: $13,650
Cost Per Credit: $455 (in-state), $500 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Supported by the Center for Social Justice and Civic Engagement, which serves as an interdisciplinary academic agency that supports the university and the Mississippi Delta region by promoting civic engagement and historical understanding
- Outstanding campus environment encourages personalized learning and attention via a low, student-to-teacher ratio of just 11:1
Delta State University’s MA in Liberal Studies delivers on both affordability and convenience, boasting a tuition that places it nearly $1,500 below the national average for similar programs and an online course delivery that makes earning your graduate degree both convenient and flexible. You’ll love the outstanding concentration options for specializing your program and the core foundation that encourages progressive thought in modern philosophical, cultural and social concepts. Backed by a highly qualified, dedicated faculty, the program is focused on creating lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and analytical scholars. Complemented by seminar-style learning and exciting field activities, this program is flexible enough to accommodate both traditional and non-traditional students. Delta State is the place for interdisciplinary graduate studies!
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
College of Liberal Arts
Fort Collins, Colorado

MA in History, Liberal Arts Specialization (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $13,530
Cost Per Credit: $451 (in-state), $1,107 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- The Public Lands History Center, an award-winning research center that’s part of the CSU history department, is home to research opportunities for MA students; opportunities here include projects for federal agencies like the National Park Service, state parks departments, city governments, and nonprofit organizations
- Consistently ranked among the nation’s best graduate schools by U.S. News & World Report
Colorado State University Fort Collins offers a unique graduate-level history program that’s built on a dynamic, interdisciplinary foundation that prepares students for success in the workforce and for future study. Whether you’re an aspiring PhD student, recent grad, or mid-career professional focused on entering or advancing your career in areas like park management, city planning, and cultural resource management, you’re sure to appreciate this program’s active learning environment. Students here work on class projects and enjoy experiential learning opportunities like internships and service-learning projects, all under the guidance of esteemed faculty who specialize in areas like world and European history. Students here customize their program by choosing a geographical, chronological, or thematic area that best fits their professional and personal goals.
University of Southern Indiana
College of Liberal Arts
Evansville, Indiana

MA in Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $13,530
Cost Per Credit: $410 (in-state), $410 (out-of-state)
- No GRE required
- No residency requirements allow students to complete this program completely online through the school’s interactive Blackboard platform
- Convenient and flexible online course delivery includes course access 24/7
- Outstanding study abroad experiences available to more than 60 countries
The University of Southern Indiana’s MA in Liberal Studies is offered in a 100% online format, something you won’t find with many other programs of its kind. Priced below the national average for similar programs, and fully customizable, the USI MALS allows students to choose courses that examine historical and contemporary issues that best reflect their educational, professional, and personal goals. You’ll find it easy to create a program that’s uniquely you, thanks to the diverse elective options available and the option to complete it on a full- or part-time basis. This Carnegie Foundation Community Engaged University offers exciting, study-abroad opportunities to more than 60 countries. Offering faculty-led trips, direct exchange programs, and semester or academic year programs, USI is where you’ll find exceptional opportunities to add a global focus to your master’s degree.
Washburn University
College of Arts and Sciences
Topeka, Kansas

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $13,110
Cost Per Credit: $437 (in-state), $877 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- In-state tuition rates extend to students from Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas
- Outstanding value in higher education – Recognized by U.S. News & World Report for low student debt among graduates
Washburn University’s Master of Liberal Studies is the liberal arts degree for students in any stage of their lives or careers. Established professionals, recent bachelor’s grads, or future PhD students will find this program to be the ideal fit for anybody exploring their intellectual curiosity or pursing academic advancement and personal fulfillment. Just some of the perks of choosing Washburn for your liberal arts graduate degree include an affordable tuition (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas residents pay in-state prices!), a low, student-to-faculty ratio that encourages personalized learning and attention, and an esteemed faculty, most of whom hold doctorates in their fields.
Auburn University at Montgomery
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Montgomery, Alabama

Master of Liberal Arts (on-campus, online)
- English
- Teaching Writing
- History
- Art History
- Sociology
- Theatre
- Philosophy
Total Estimated Cost: $12,630
Cost Per Credit: $421 (in-state), $947 (out-of-state), online $421 (in-state), $463 (out-of-state)
- GRE/MAT required for admission
- Ranked as one of the Best Colleges in the Southeast by the Princeton Review
- Outstanding commitment to online learning includes status as a Quality Matters Institution, a rigorous online course design and teacher training process for all online faculty, and superb online support and guidance
- Flexible learning options include either online or hybrid courses for the best in convenience for busy, working professionals
AUM’s Master of Liberal Arts is coming in hot with an affordable tuition and a status as the only interdisciplinary master’s degree program in Alabama! This program encourages progressive thought, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration and more, all of which will prepare students to become the trailblazers and changemakers who are prepared to address the complexities of a changing world. You’re sure to love the outstanding online learning environment here that includes a low tuition rate for both in-state and out-of-state students… options to take hybrid courses if your schedule allows you to attend once-weekly campus courses in Montgomery… and the award-winning, user-friendly Blackboard Ultra learning platform.
Western Illinois University
School of Graduate Studies
Macomb, Illinois

Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences (on-campus)
- Peace Corps
- Paired Minor
Total Estimated Cost: $11,649
Cost Per Credit: $353 (in-state), $353 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Three integrated bachelor’s/master’s program options for students in the following undergraduate programs: Anthropology, Foreign Languages and Cultures, and Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Options to further customize your degree with a post-baccalaureate certificate in Community Development, English, or Environmental GIS
- Outstanding value in graduate education recognized by the Princeton Review (a Best Value College) and Washington Monthly (Best Bang for the Buck)
The Western Illinois University Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences provides an affordable path to a truly interdisciplinary, fully customizable course of graduate study for the best in professional advancement and personal growth. Offered well below the national average for similar programs, the Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences boasts the value that today’s budget-conscious students demand. And thanks to the flexible program design, students are able to design a program that best fits their personal and professional goals. You’ll choose courses that encourage creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, comparative analysis, and making connections across disciplines. Interested in taking your master’s degree one step further? Consider adding a post-baccalaureate certificate in Community Development, English, or Environmental GIS to your degree program. You’ll feel good choosing a university that’s been recognized as a Best Midwestern University for 17 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report!
San Diego State University
College of Arts and Letters
San Diego, California

MA in Liberal Arts and Sciences (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $11,430
Cost Per Credit: $381 (in-state), $777 (out-of-state)
- GRE required for admission
- Outstanding reputation as a leading public research university includes $144 million in research-related funding annually
- Home to the Center for Human Rights, which supports and promotes human rights research and education and partners with human rights organizations in San Diego County and beyond; students can add a Certificate in Human Rights to their degree plan
- Exciting course options for a contemporary, globally focused program of study
San Diego State calls it the MA in Curiosity – and for good reason! The MA in Liberal Arts and Sciences, which is priced to impress, is an ever-evolving, dynamic, interdisciplinary course of study for the intellectually curious, lifelong learner. Students here learn about translating research into public engagement and social change, which allows them to become graduates whose work impacts the California region and far beyond. With a customizable curriculum that can be built to reflect your personal and professional goals, the MA in Liberal Arts and Sciences stands out as one of the most flexible programs available. The options to design your program are nearly endless, thanks to an outstanding selection of electives offered each semester. Gender and Diaspora, Visual Cultural Studies, Star Trek Culture & History, Europe and Terrorism, Decolonial Feminism… these are just a small sampling of the fascinating contemporary courses available to you.
Henderson State University
Ellis College of Arts and Science
Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Master of Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Art History
- English Literature
- Gender Studies
- Media and Popular Culture
- Philosophy
- Rhetoric and Composition
- Rhetoric and Philosophy
- Social Sciences (History and Political Science)
- Society and Identity
Total Estimated Cost: $11,340
Cost Per Credit: $315 (in-state), $436 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Henderson State University became a proud member of the Arkansas State University System in 2021
- Add a graduate certificate in English or History to your MLA to qualify to teach at the high school, junior college, or four-year university level
Boasting an impressive value in graduate tuition, a comprehensive foundation in the liberal arts, and the option to customize through your choice of no less than nine contemporary concentrations, Henderson State University’s Master of Liberal Arts is designed with you in mind, whether you’re seeking personal growth, professional advancement, or PhD preparation. With a storied liberal arts heritage that dates back to 1890, Henderson has always been on the forefront of progressive thought and has long been known as Arkansas’ public liberal arts university. And, most recently, it’s become part of the esteemed Arkansas State University System. Interested in teaching at the high school, junior college, or four-year university? Consider adding a graduate certificate in English or history to your MLA program. Both programs are offered fully online and can be completed within one calendar year.
Indiana University East
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Richmond, Indiana

Master of Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $11,232
Cost Per Credit: $312 (in-state), $461 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Exciting experiential learning opportunities abound – independent research, creative projects, service learning, and faculty-led research
- Expansive alumni network of more than 10,000 ensures exciting opportunities to connect with and learn from other graduates throughout your career
- If you’re an instructor who has already completed an IU online graduate certificate in biology, communication studies, composition studies, chemistry, history, language and literature, literature, mathematics, or political science, you’ll be able to transfer as many as 20 credits toward your MLS degree
Indiana University East’s Master of Liberal Studies provides broad-minded, globally conscious critical thinkers like you with the interdisciplinary course of study in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences you’re looking for. The online delivery method ensures a convenient and flexible course of study, and the low tuition rate makes the program more affordable than you would expect for such an exceptional program. You’ll choose electives that best match your personal and professional interests and goals, and you’ll round out your graduate experience with either a traditional thesis, a creative project, a peer-reviewed publication, an applied project (completed through an internship or your place of employment), or a public intellectual capstone course that lets you work within a student learning community to explore a variety of media.
Indiana University Kokomo
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Kokomo, Indiana

Master of Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $11,232
Cost Per Credit: $312 (in-state), $461 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Outstanding opportunities to increase your cultural awareness and global mindset by studying abroad to places like Guatemala, South Korea, France, England, Italy, and Poland
- Program is ideally designed for instructors who want to meet the HLC requirements to teach dual-credit or community college courses; previously completed IU online graduate certificates in biology, communication studies, composition studies, chemistry, history, language and literature, literature, mathematics, or political science can be used to transfer as many as 20 credits toward your MLS degree
- Part of the esteemed Indiana University System, which boasts eight campuses, about 109,000 students, and more than 5,000 courses of instruction
Offered fully online and boasting a price tag that’s hard to beat, Indiana University Kokomo’s Master of Liberal Studies has it all for lifelong learners who want to explore the unique connections between the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences and who appreciate the value of an interdisciplinary skillset in the real world. Though you’ll be learning from a distance, you’ll never need to sacrifice quality, as the instructor consortium here is made up of the same professors who teach on-campus at IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend and IU Southeast. Take coursework from several campuses and enjoy instruction from a wide-ranging faculty of experts! The core foundation of 13 credits is complemented by 12-20 elective credits of your choice, and your degree program is fulfilled after completing a capstone experience, which may be a traditional thesis, a creative project, a peer-reviewed publication, an applied project, or a public intellectual capstone course – your opportunity to work alongside other students in a faculty-led learning community that seeks to explore a variety of media. Choose IU Kokomo and you’ll be joining the esteemed Indiana University System, which boasts eight campuses, about 109,000 students, and more than 5,000 courses of instruction, making it one of the largest in the nation.
Indiana University Southeast
School of Social Sciences
New Albany, Indiana

Master of Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,778
Cost Per Credit: $317 (in-state), $747 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Ideal program for dual-credit and community college instructors who have completed IU online graduate certificates in biology, communication studies, composition studies, chemistry, history, language and literature, literature, mathematics, or political science who are pursuing a master’s degree to meet HLC standards – up to 20 credits from a grad certificate can be applied toward the MLS
- Consortium of online instructors work across the IU campus system, thereby allowing students to work with professors across campuses and to enjoy an outstanding selection of elective courses
The Indiana University Southeast Master of Liberal Studies delivers on convenience, flexibility, and affordability, making it the obvious choice for students looking to enhance their interdisciplinary skillet, broaden their horizons, and achieve professional and personal goals at the graduate level. With an attractive price tag and a fully online course of delivery, the Master of Liberal Studies ensures that nontraditional learners like you will never need to sacrifice convenience or affordability for a top-notch graduate education. A consortium of instructors from no less than six IU campuses delivers contemporary courses that model those found on campus. This allows you to work with instructors across the IU system and choose from an exciting variety of electives. You’ll round out this enlightening course of study by completing a capstone experience, which may be a traditional thesis, a creative project, a peer-reviewed publication, an applied project, or a public intellectual capstone course – your opportunity to work alongside other students in a faculty-led learning community that seeks to explore a variety of media.
Texas A&M University-Central Texas
College of Arts and Sciences
Killeen, Texas

MS in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,692
Cost Per Credit: $297 (in-state), $705 (out-of-state)
- GRE/GMAT currently waived
- Outstanding opportunities for original research thanks to annual grant and contract funds that exceed $4.3 million annually and support through the Office of Research and Economic Development and the University Center for Applied Research and Engagement
- Designated an Hispanic-service institution by the U.S. Department of Education, which opens the door to federal funding opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students
Texas A&M University – Central Texas is home to the dynamic MS in Liberal Studies program, a flexible, interdisciplinary course of study that provides plenty of room for personalization. Whether you’re a traditional student pursuing your graduate degree for more varied professional opportunities, a working professional aspiring to advance your career or start a new one, or an aspiring PhD scholar, the MS in Liberal Studies has what you need to succeed. Choose Texas A&M University – Central Texas for your master’s degree in liberal arts and you’ll benefit from the exceptional resources and services of the larger Texas A&M University System, one of the largest in the U.S.
Indiana University Northwest
College of Arts and Sciences
Gary, Indiana

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,461
Cost Per Credit: $317 (in-state), $747 (out-of-state), online $317 (in-state), $450 (out-of-state)
- GRE is waived for the 2021-22 academic year
- Thesis options include an Independent Research/Creative Activity (includes working closely with a faculty mentor to complete a final project that best reflects your interests) and a Public Intellectual Practicum (includes working in faculty-led student learning community that’s aimed at exploring the variety of genres through which public intellectuals communicate)
- Flexible curriculum options include your choice of on-campus, online, and hybrid courses
The Indiana University Northwest Master of Liberal Studies boasts an affordable price tag and a flexible course of study that makes it easier than ever to begin exploring contemporary global issues through an interdisciplinary lens. Available as both an online and on-campus program with hybrid course options, the Master of Liberal Studies provides both traditional and nontraditional students with a customizable graduate degree that’s designed to encourage in-depth study in multiple academic areas. Students of this interdisciplinary program work closely alongside faculty mentors, receiving expert guidance to help ensure their success.
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Graduate Studies
Shreveport, Louisiana

Master of Liberal Arts (hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,320
Cost Per Credit: $344 (in-state), $1,039 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Personalized learning at its finest – classes are capped at just eight graduate students per class and core courses are capped at 30 students
- Grad students can take advantage of on- and off-campus internships available in History or English
- Exciting options to participate in faculty-led research and participate in experiential learning programs and projects
The Master of Liberal Arts program at Louisiana State University Shreveport is where intellectually curious, lifelong learners go to explore and examine areas within the arts and humanities that interest them most. Boasting an affordable tuition rate and a hybrid course design that meets the needs of today’s busy, working professionals, the MLA offers an interdisciplinary course of study that allows students to advance their skillset in areas like communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving across an array of topics and disciplines. Ideally designed for both aspiring law and PhD students and for those seeking immediate career opportunities, the Master of Liberal Arts gives students everything they need to succeed in today’s globally focused, ever-changing world. Students here have the option of taking an independent study course as one of their electives, giving them a chance to conduct research and explore real-world learning experiences!
Indiana University South Bend
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
South Bend, Indiana

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,302
Cost Per Credit: $303 (in-state), $713 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Offers optional specialty tracks/graduate certificates: Business Certificate Track, History Track, Spanish Certificate Track or Sustainability Leadership Track
- Thesis options include an Independent Research/Creative Activity and a Public Intellectual Practicum (includes working in a faculty-led student learning community that’s aimed at exploring the genres through which public intellectuals communicate)
Enrich your professional life, expand upon your interdisciplinary skillset, and chase your scholarly pursuits through Indiana University South Bend’s Master of Liberal Studies. This affordable program is where you’ll gain fresh perspectives and new insights while preparing for exciting professional pursuits or future PhD study. Core seminars in the humanities, the sciences, and the social sciences are complemented with in-depth study in a discipline or topic of interest to you. It all culminates in a thesis/capstone experience that includes an Independent Research/Creative option or Public Intellectual Option. Add another dimension to your master’s degree by adding a Business Certificate Track, a History Track, a Spanish Certificate Track or a Sustainability Leadership Track. And if you want to add a global focus, consider taking advantage of IU South Bend’s exciting study abroad opportunities. More than 200 overseas study experiences are available to places like Japan, Costa Rica, Mexico, and China.
University of Central Oklahoma
College of Liberal Arts
Edmond, Oklahoma

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $10,132
Cost Per Credit: $298 (in-state), $715 (out-of-state)
- GRE may be used to support admission requirements
- Outstanding record of student success! Winner of the 2018 Excellence and Innovation Award by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities for its role in student success and retention
- Exciting elective options ensure a truly contemporary, interdisciplinary course of graduate study
- UCO nationally ranked for both affordability and low student debt
The University of Central Oklahoma’s MA in Liberal Studies is affordable, fully customizable and interdisciplinary, providing students like you with exciting, in-depth study in the topics that interest you most. Just some of the interesting and contemporary guided elective options here include Advanced Film Criticism; Women, Witches, and Religion; Enlightenment Traditions; Philosophy of Language; and Anthropology of Religion. UCO has been recognized as an Excellence and Innovation Award winner by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, and is nationally ranked for everything from academic excellence to low student debt among graduates.
Middle Tennessee State University
College of Liberal Arts
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

MA in Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Art
- Communication Studies
- English
- World Languages-Literatures-and Cultures
- Global Studies and Human Geography
- History
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science and International Relations
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Theatre and Dance
Total Estimated Cost: $9,180
Cost Per Credit: $306 (in-state), $1,099 (out-of-state)
- GRE requirement waived for the 2021-2022 academic year
- Outstanding history of academic excellence and student success include a status at the number one producer of graduates for the Greater Nashville economy and a ranking among the Princeton Review’s Best 385 Colleges in the U.S. list three years in a row
- Outstanding value – MTSU has the lowest tuition rate of any major university in Tennessee
Middle Tennessee State University’s MA in Liberal Arts allows globally minded, critical thinkers and creative problem-solvers like you to pursue your interests and advance your knowledge of topics and disciplines that are appealing to you. Whether you’ll use the MA in Liberal Arts to broaden your interdisciplinary skillset, enhance your career options, prep for future PhD study, or simply expand your horizons, you’ll enjoy an engaging and exciting course of graduate study that’s priced right. Participate in hands-on projects, study abroad, and conduct research under the guidance of the school’s esteemed instructors – outstanding options are available to take your liberal arts college experience to the next level!
Arkansas Tech University
College of Arts and Humanities
Russellville, Arkansas

Master of Liberal Arts (on-campus, hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $8,760
Cost Per Credit: $292 (in-state), $584 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Arkansas Tech University is the first university in Arkansas to offer the Master of Liberal Arts
- Ideal for middle school and high school teachers in the areas of English, speech, theatre, journalism, and social studies who want to advance their education
- Expansive resources and services available within this major university; an enrollment of more than 10,000 students makes it the third largest university in the state
Arkansas Tech University’s Master of Liberal Arts is your opportunity to create a course of graduate study that’s uniquely you! No less than ten departments come together (English, Communications, History, Journalism, Music, Psychology, Sociology, Theater, Art, TESL) to offer this interdisciplinary program, which is designed to reflect your personal and professional goals. Choose one discipline or topic of study and then complement it with a selection of online or on-campus courses from any of the ten departments. This program culminates in a final comprehensive exam, creative project, or research project that you’ll use to display your interdisciplinary skillset and advanced knowledge. Designed to prepare the next generation of creative problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and communicators, the MLA at Arkansas Tech is interdisciplinary learning at its finest. No wonder Arkansas Tech is ranked as the top university in Arkansas for upward social mobility!
Sul Ross State University
Alpine College of Graduate Studies
Alpine, Texas

MA in Liberal Arts (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $7,920
Cost Per Credit: $240 (in-state), $648 (out-of-state)
- GRE scores waived for applicants with undergraduate GPAs higher than 2.9
- Truly interdisciplinary, personalized course of learning allows students to choose three disciplines, only two of which need to be from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences
- Outstanding support and guidance offered from your personal liberal arts advisor
Sul Ross University’s MA in Liberal Arts offers affordable graduate study and an individualized program in the liberal arts that encourages students to think about wide-reaching issues in society, culture, literature, science, and beyond. Select three disciplines of interest (two must be from the College of Arts and Sciences) and then choose courses that complement your chosen areas of study. You’ll work alongside a liberal arts advisor to create a program that best reflects your individual goals and interests. Custom-tailored learning has never looked so good!
University of North Carolina Wilmington
College of Arts and Sciences
Wilmington, North Carolina

MA in Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $7,860
Cost Per Credit: $262 (in-state), $1,030 (out-of-state)
- No GRE requirement
- Superb resources and services available to students here courtesy of the massive 17-campus UNC system
- Exciting opportunities to take your degree to the next level by adding a certificate in Conflict Resolution or Women’s and Gender Studies
- Ranked among the Best Graduate Schools by U.S. News & World Report
The University of North Carolina Wilmington MA in Liberal Studies offers everything today’s adult learner is after – affordability, flexibility, convenience, and academic rigor. This program offers an in-depth exploration into the liberal arts for learners who want to advance their understanding of the complex issues affecting the world. A fully online course delivery, a self-designed curriculum, and the option of adding a certificate in Conflict Resolution or Women’s and Gender Studies are just some of the highlights of this graduate program. You’ll appreciate the outstanding resources, services, and experiential learning opportunities available to you as a student of the massive 17-campus UNC system. UNC Wilmington has also enjoyed its share of accolades in recent years, including status as a Doctoral University with High Research Activity by the Carnegie Classification, a spot on the Princeton Review’s list of the Best Southeastern Schools, and a ranking among the Best Graduate Schools by U.S. News & World Report.
Fort Hays State University
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Hays, Kansas

Master of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Art (Art History, offered online only)
- Corporate Communications
- Gerontology (offered online only)
- Global Management
- Global Studies
- Health Sciences (offered online only)
- Information Analysis and Communication (offered online only)
- Library Arts (offered online only)
- Literary Arts (offered online only)
- Music
- Management Information Systems (offered online only)
- Political Leadership and Public Service
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Digital Cinema Production (offered online only)
Total Estimated Cost: $7,750
Cost Per Credit: $250 (in-state), $632 (out-of-state), $299 (online)
- GRE not required
- Outstanding selection of contemporary on-campus/online concentrations
- Nationally recognized as one of the best values in higher education
- Exciting record of student success – 95% of students land jobs or continue on to graduate study after graduation
The Fort Hays State University Master of Liberal Studies is where affordability, flexibility, and academic excellence come together! Offering one of the most competitive tuition rates in the nation, the option of on-campus or online study, and an exciting selection of concentrations aimed at contemporary areas of study, this program is specifically designed for budget-conscious students who are committed to progressive scholarship. Whether you’re interested in the Master of Liberal Studies as a steppingstone to future PhD study, for professional growth, or simply to satisfy your love of learning, Fort Hays State is where you want to be! Boasting interdisciplinary study at its finest, this program allows students to study exciting areas like political leadership, global studies, and corporate communications, all of which enjoy outstanding relevance in today’s challenging, globally focused society.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Charlotte, North Carolina

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $7,230
Cost Per Credit: $241 (in-state), $987 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Options to personalize your program even further through your choice of certificates in Cognitive Science, Communication Studies, Emergency Management, Women and Gender Studies, Gerontology, Linguistics, Nonprofit Management, Translation Studies, or Professional Writing
- Fully customizable program allows students to choose courses that reflect a topic of interest
- Become part of the massive, 16-university UNC system that is recognized for its world-class teaching, research, and community engagement
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte MA in Liberal Studies offers a truly affordable course of graduate study for today’s critical and creative thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborators. Whether your interests lie in law, human resources, management, education, or social justice, the MA in Liberal Studies allows you to explore what interests you most. By choosing a topic of study and selecting courses that bring it to life, you’ll design a program that’s uniquely you! Interested in taking your degree one step further? Consider adding one of the university’s certificates in areas like emergency management, nonprofit management, translation studies, women and gender studies, and more. Busy, working professionals will appreciate this program’s flexibility, which includes a nice selection of day and evening courses, on-campus and online courses, and full- or part-time study.
Clayton State University
School of Graduate Studies
Morrow, Georgia

MA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- English
- History
- Liberal Arts
- Mathematics
- Philosophy
Total Estimated Cost: $7,200
Cost Per Credit: $200 (in-state), $732 (out-of-state)
- GRE not required
- Diverse student body boasts learners from 34 states and 32 countries
- Exceptional learning environment boasts small class sizes, a dedicated faculty, and personal attention to every student
- Ranked among the Best Regional Universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
Clayton State University’s MA in Liberal Studies is flexible, interdisciplinary, and truly affordable, offering an exceptional graduate education to everyone from recent college grads to experienced professionals in business, human resources, education, social services, the arts, and much, much more. Through this challenging and exciting course of study, students are encouraged to strengthen their critical and creative skillsets while enjoying a newfound appreciation of cultural relevance and global awareness. Always focused on contemporary issues in society, the MA in Liberal Studies is highly relevant in today’s society. Nine hours in foundational seminars provide students a solid base in art, literature, and philosophy, while courses reflecting one of five concentrations allow students to take a deep dive into an area of interest. Choose Clayton State University and you’ll be part of a storied history of student-centered success that includes personalized attention, small class sizes, a dedicated faculty, and unmatched affordability!