You are probably already well aware that most universities in the United States base at least some part of their required curriculum on the ancient standards of a liberal arts education. Almost all the general education requirements that come along with all types of degrees are rooted in the trivium and quadrivium of ancient liberal studies advocated by the Greeks and Romans.
But that’s a different prospect from a dedicated bachelor of liberal arts degree. Those four-year programs go all-in on the basic precepts of a liberal education:
Reading and writing skills – Literature studies, communication, and rhetorical skills in both English and foreign languages are usually covered.
Critical thinking and analysis – The use of logic and reason is emphasized throughout the program to hone your perception and analytical skills.
Interdisciplinary knowledge – Liberal studies programs thrive on bringing together interdisciplinary and interdepartmental coursework from disciplines as varied as history, music, and biology.
Arts and sciences training – Exposure to both the basic principles of science and the scientific method are blended with an appreciation for the arts to give students a well-rounded experience in both creative and empirical fields.
Altogether, a bachelor of liberal arts degree offers a powerful combination of knowledge and reasoning skills that can be put to use in almost any industry. We built this list to help you find world-class universities teaching those skills at the lowest tuition rates in the country.
Sponsored School(s)
If you have thought about earning a BLS (bachelor of liberal studies) at all, you might have imagined it’s only the sort of thing you can get at some pricey, private, tiny little liberal arts college tucked away in some quant little college town, where classes are held in small groups under old oak trees, and professors and students hang out at the same bars and quote Rousseau at one another.
Expensive, private liberal arts universities aren’t your only option for a bachelor of liberal studies degree, though. There are plenty of public universities that can deliver a solid, affordable liberal arts education that doesn’t require relocating halfway across the country and taking out a second mortgage on your parent’s home.
If that’s what you are looking for, then this is your list! Not only are these all public universities with full-on liberal arts degree programs, but they are the most affordable ones in the United States.
How We Found the Most Affordable Bachelor of Liberal Studies Programs at State Universities
This part was easy—we took published tuition data on the cost-per-credit from each school, and added it up to find the total estimated cost for a bachelor of liberal arts degree. We then found the average for each major region – Northeast, West, Midwest, and South. And every school that came in with a total cost lower than the regional average made the list. It’s as simple as that.
Of course, state universities almost always have different rates for in-state versus out-of-state students, so we made the decision to use in-state pricing for our baseline since those students represent the vast majority of undergraduate enrollments. But we still include the non-residential rates for those students who are considering options around their region and beyond.
We grouped these schools by region because the costs can vary significantly in different parts of the country. Urban East Coast schools have a whole different set of expenses, salary structures, and overhead costs than, say, a small-town Midwestern college. And more to the point, students generally stay in their region, even if opting for an out-of-state program, so organizing the list by region just makes sense.
In the same vein, we took any school operating on a quarter credit system and converted credits and costs to a semester-equivalent in order to keep everyone on the same playing field for like to like comparisons.
There’s More to Consider than Cost When Deciding on a Liberal Studies Bachelor’s Program
Of course, we realize that you are not going to just put your finger on the absolute cheapest school in their area and make your decision on price alone. One of the things about liberal studies degrees is the tremendous variety of experiences you can find across the field of schools. There are way more options than with other majors.
If you were trying to pick a program in any other major, you could pretty much count on the same basic courses no matter what school you choose. You’ll learn basically the same principles based on similar reading lists and generally come out the other side with an education that is more or less equivalent to what you would have learned in any other university anywhere in the country.
The liberal arts are very different.
In fact, no two bachelor of liberal studies programs are alike. And with the option to choose from a wide array of concentrations or build your own self-directed curriculum, that can even mean two different BLS majors at the same university can end up with wildly different courses.
Part of the benefit of a liberal arts and sciences education is the sheer scope of what you can focus on—or what angle you choose to approach your education from.
Say you’re interested in French Romanticism. Maybe it clicks best with you through the filter of history, in which case you want a school with a strong history faculty and courses in Napoleonic and Revolutionary history. Or maybe it’s poetry and literature that shows the era most clearly for you. In that case, you might want a good French language program so you can study in the original language, with classes heavy in reading and analysis.
Every school will have its own strengths and weaknesses relative to your personal preferences, regardless of the price tag.
Naturally, you are going to be looking at a lot more than just costs when you dive into these programs. And we’ve given you exactly what you need to make your decision by including information about each school that includes:
- Concentrations
- Total estimated cost, cost-per-credit and out-of-state rates
- Cost comparison to regional average
- Rankings and recognition from third party organizations
And we give you a thumbnail sketch of the school and program, picking out highlights of interest to liberal studies students.
- You want a school with a low student-to-faculty ratio? We have picked them out.
- Interested in online or hybrid study options? We note which schools offer them.
- Want an extra helping of flexibility in building your own curriculum? We tell you which schools offer a self-directed curriculum.
Affordability may be a must for you, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality or diversity in your studies.
Region by Region Analysis of the Most Affordable Bachelor of Liberal Studies Programs for 2025
Somewhere on this list you can find a completely affordable bachelor of liberal studies program at a state school that fits your budget, and even more importantly, that fits both your personal interests and your ambitions.
Western Region
Regional Average Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies: $30,090
Sonoma State University
School of Extended Studies and International Education
Rohnert Park, California

BA in Liberal Studies (hybrid)
Total Estimated Cost: $20, 550
Cost Per Credit: $435
Tuition cost is $9,541 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked 19th among the top public schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
- Unique hybrid design features a collaborative cohort model
A liberal arts education has never been more flexible or convenient! Sonoma State’s BA in Liberal Studies is designed in a unique hybrid model that features four to five Saturday on-campus/online seminars per semester combined with independent, integrated assignments that you’ll complete on your own time. Structured as a cohort model, you’ll learn alongside your peers in a supportive learning community. Whether your future aspirations include graduate work or a career in teaching, counseling, social work, the humanities, or another field, Sonoma State’s BA in Liberal Studies is designed with your success in mind!
San Jose State University
Department of Humanities
San Jose, California

BA in Humanities, Liberal Arts Concentration (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked 3rd among regional universities in the West by U.S. News & World Report
- Named the nation’s Most Transformative University in the Nation by Money Magazine
Both traditional and transfer students are sure to find San Jose State’s BA in Humanities with a Liberal Arts concentration to be exactly the program they’re looking for! Outstanding preparation for future graduate study or for careers in teaching, international business, law, library science, human resources, and more, this program provides students with the broad liberal arts education necessary to become critical thinking, collaborative, globally minded professionals. Known as the Silicon Valley’s Public University, San Jose State has earned a solid reputation as an essential economic partner for the Silicon Valley and surrounding region. It’s little wonder why it was named the Most Transformative University in the Nation by Money Magazine!
Humboldt State University
Department of Child Development
Arcata, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Child Development/ Elementary Education Concentration
- Child Development/ Elementary Education (ITEP) Concentration
- Elementary Education Concentration
- Elementary Education (ITEP) Concentration
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked a Top Western University by U.S. News & World Report
- Low, 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures a personalized learning experience
Humboldt State’s BA in Liberal Studies with an optional Integrated Teacher Education Program allows aspiring educators to earn both an interdisciplinary degree and their preliminary teaching credential in just four, short years. Small class sizes, mentor instructors, and a low, 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio make Humboldt State a place where discoveries are made, and dreams are realized. Combine that with the value of a CSU degree and it’s easy to see why Humboldt State has become a go-to university for future educators!
California State University, San Bernardino
College of Arts and Letters
San Bernardino, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Integrated Concentration
- Spanish Studies Concentration
- General Concentration (best for students seeking a credential other than elementary education)
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Recognized among the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, With Distinction – a federal recognition for schools who are committed to service-learning and civic engagement
- Consistently ranked among the top colleges and universities in the West
Cal State San Bernardino’s BA in Liberal Studies boasts an extraordinary value and a broad-based liberal arts curriculum for future educators (K-8) and other professionals. Choose the Integrated concentration and prepare for your preliminary teaching credential or choose a General Concentration and prepare for exciting careers in politics, law, public relations, journalism, and much more. This program is designed to produce future leaders and trailblazers who are committed to community engagement, leadership, and service learning – a must for 21st century learners! Choose Cal State San Bernardino and you’ll be part of a university that’s been ranked among the top colleges and universities in the West by such esteemed publications as the Princeton Review, Forbes, and U.S. News & World Report.
California State University, Sacramento
College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Sacramento, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Art
- Human Development
- Linguistics/Composition
- Literature
- Mathematics
- Multicultural Studies
- Music
- Natural Science
- Physical Education
- Theatre
- US History
- World History
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Option to complete a pre-credential or general program
- Named among the Most Transformative Colleges in the nation by Money Magazine
Cal State Sacramento’s BA in Liberal Studies offers a truly interdisciplinary course of study, an affordable price tag, and plenty of options to focus your studies in the discipline that excites you most. The Pre-Credential program is designed for future K-8 or special education teachers in California, while the General program is designed for students preparing for graduate study and for careers in business, management, counseling, law, public health, and more. Long recognized for its academic innovation and student engagement, Cal State Sacramento boasts outstanding research, entrepreneurship, and service-learning opportunities. It’s little wonder why it was named among the nation’s Most Transformative Colleges by Money Magazine in 2020!
California State University, Monterey Bay
College of Education
Marina, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Traditional Pathway
- History
- Literature
- PE
- Science
- Social Science
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Quantitative Literacy
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Most decorated university in the nation for service learning, and a two-time recipient of the President’s Award for Higher Education Community Service
- Exciting minor and emphasis options allow students to fully customize their program
Cal State Monterey Bay is where liberal arts students go for outstanding and affordable undergraduate options for interdisciplinary study! Choose the pre-credential pathway if you’re preparing for your preliminary teaching credential or the traditional pathway if you’re interested in future graduate study or professional preparation in areas like law, human resources, public service, business and more. Choose one of Cal State Monterey Bay’s multiple minors or emphases to round out your interdisciplinary course of study. You’re sure to be inspired by some of the contemporary, relevant minor options offered here, such as Health & Wellness, Hispanic Cultures & History, Creative Writing & Social Action, Global Studies, and Human Movement. Small classes, a diverse student body, and a prime location just one mile from the beautiful Monterey Bay make this program a winner!
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Liberal Studies
Los Angeles, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Multi-subject CSET waiver program for future teachers
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked as one of the top universities in the nation for the upward mobility of its students
- Ranked by Washington Monthly among the top 10 universities in the nation for service, research, and social mobility
Two interdisciplinary degree options and an affordable price tag make Cal State Los Angeles’ BA in Liberal Studies a standout for future professionals in education, law, business, medicine, public service, and much, much more. Prepare to become an elementary teacher through the Multi-Subject CSET waiver concentration or choose the progressive concentration in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies if a broader course of study is what you’re after. Choose Cal State LA and you’ll be part of a progressive, globally minded institution that’s long been recognized for its dedication to engagement, service, and public good. Choose a minor in Science, Technology & Medicine Studies or a minor/post-baccalaureate certificate in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies and take your liberal arts undergraduate degree even further!
California State University, Long Beach
College of Education
Long Beach, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Education Studies
- Human & Child Development
- Language Arts
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences
- History-Social Science
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Home to the SERVE (Service Experiences for ReVitalizing Education) program, which offers future K-12 educators an opportunity to learn about the unique needs of the urban classroom and apply what they learn in SERVE partner districts
- Ranked first in the nation in upward social mobility in 2020 by educationreformnow.org
The Cal State Long Beach BA in Liberal Studies program is focused on education, providing future teachers with an affordable, interdisciplinary pathway to their preliminary teaching credential. Students here also have the option to complete the BA in Liberal Studies as part of an Integrated Teacher Education Program to prepare for an integrated multiple or urban dual teaching credential. The BA in Liberal Studies features a progressive, broad-minded curriculum that includes the SERVE (Service Experiences for ReVitalizing Education) program, which offers future K-12 educators an opportunity to learn about the unique needs of the urban classroom and apply what they learn in SERVE partner districts. These socially conscious programs are just one of the reasons why Cal State Long Beach was ranked first in the nation in upward social mobility by educationreformnow.org in 2020.
California State University, Fullerton
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Fullerton, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Elementary Education Emphasis
- Interdisciplinary Thematic Emphasis
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Recognized as a leading campus of the CSU system for its faculty-student collaborative research, co-curricular experiences, and academic excellence
- Ranked among the region’s Top Public Schools and Most Innovative Schools by U.S. News & World Report in 2020
Cal State Fullerton’s BA in Liberal Studies pulls information and ideas from the humanities, the natural sciences, the social sciences and the arts to create a truly interdisciplinary program for future professionals in education, law, management, public policy, and more. Choose the Elementary Education emphasis and you’ll be prepared to work in elementary schools and earn the multiple-subject teaching credential. Or choose the Interdisciplinary Thematic emphasis and you’ll customize a program that’s aimed at an interdisciplinary theme of your choice. Whether you’re preparing for future graduate study or for a career in education or another discipline, Cal State Fullerton’s BA in Liberal Studies is designed with you in mind!
California State University, Bakersfield
School of Arts and Humanities
Bakersfield, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- IBEST (Integrated Baccalaureate for Excellence in Studies and Teaching) emphasis
- ISPED (Integrated Special Education) emphasis
- Traditional emphasis
- Subject Matter Authorization emphasis
- Non-teaching (general track) emphasis
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Named a “Best Bang for the Buck” school by Washington Monthly
- Small class sizes and a dedicated faculty provide students with a personalized, engaging course of study
Cal State Bakersfield’s BA in Liberal Studies offers outstanding and affordable options to suit your personal and professional goals! IBEST is your ticket to a preliminary multiple subject credential… ISPED will prepare you for a preliminary special education credential… the Traditional emphasis allows you to complete a minor or concentration in a discipline of your choice… the Subject Matter Authorization emphasis features the liberal arts core curriculum alongside a CCTC set of approved courses leading to future multiple subject (K-6) or subject matter (6-9) authorization in science, mathematics, or English… and the Non-Teaching (general track) emphasis allows you to study a broad range of subjects though a non-specialized program.
California State University-Stanislaus
College of Education, Kinesiology and Social Work
Turlock, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Integrated Teaching Credential Option (ITCO)
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked among the Best Colleges in the Nation by the Princeton Review for 15 consecutive years
- Ranked 5th among the nation’s Most Transformative Universities by MONEY Magazine
Calling all future elementary educators! Cal State Stanislaus’ BA in Liberal Studies provides an affordable pathway for California’s multiple subject or special education credential. But that’s not all – select among 26 diverse concentrations that are designed to produce future educators who are prepared for the rigors and challenges of the 21st century classroom. Choose the BA in Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation program and you’ll complete subject matter preparation for elementary teaching as a post-baccalaureate teacher credential program, or choose the Liberal Studies Integrated Teacher Credential option (ITCO) program and you’ll complete your BA and initial credential in just four years. Choose Cal State Stanislaus and you’ll be part of the esteemed, 23-campus CSU system, which offers outstanding programs designed for our international, multicultural society.
California State University-San Marcos
College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral & Social Sciences
San Marcos, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Elementary Subject Matter
- Integrated Teacher Education Program
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Named a Carnegie Foundation designated community engaged university for its commitment to creating a stronger, more vibrant region
- Ranked 13th in the nation for preparing students for career success relative to cost
Cal State San Marcos is home to student-centered learning experiences, an internationally recognized faculty, outstanding community-based research, and a price tag that’s hard to beat! Choose Cal State San Marcos’ BA in Liberal Studies and you’ll have the option of choosing the Elementary Subject Matter program, which prepares you to enter the School of Education’s Credential program, or the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP), which provides you with an accelerated path to your BA and initial teaching credential. If a broad liberal arts education is what you’re after, choose an exciting minor like Border Studies, Geography or Linguistics to create a progressive, well-rounded program for a variety of careers or for future graduate study.
California State University-East Bay
College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
Hayward, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Teacher Preparation
- Early Childhood Education
- Liberal Arts
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked among the Top Colleges in the West by Forbes
- Liberal Arts option may be completed as part of PACE (Program for Accelerated College Education) which offers evening and online classes for busy, working adults
The Cal State East Bay BA in Liberal Studies provides students with a dynamic, interdisciplinary course of education for success in future graduate study and a variety of careers. You’ll love this broad-based program for its core foundation in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences (called the common core), along with options to design a degree that’s uniquely you. Choose the Teacher Preparation option for K-6 teaching… the Early Childhood Education option for TK-3 teaching… and the Liberal Arts option if you have aspirations of going to graduate school or a career in government, business, counseling, social work, among many other fields. The Liberal Arts option is offered alongside the university’s PACE (Program for Accelerated College Education), which offers evening and online classes for busy, working adults.
California State University-Dominguez Hills
College of Education
Carson, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Anthropology
- Art
- Dance
- Early Teaching and Learning
- English Language and Linguistics
- Educating Children with Disabilities
- English Literature
- General Studies
- Human Development
- Integrated Teacher Education Program (Multiple Subjects)
- Integrated Teacher Education Program - Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Disabilities
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Special Option
- Theatre Arts
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Outstanding opportunities to specialize your undergraduate teaching degree in an area of interest
- Ranked among the best Regional Universities for Undergraduate Teaching by U.S. News & World Report in 2020
Cal State Dominguez Hills’ BA in Liberal Studies is selection and affordability at its finest! This interdisciplinary major prepares future elementary and special education teachers and offers Integrated Teacher Education Programs (ITEPs), which provide an accelerated pathway to your BA and teaching credential. But that’s not all – at Cal State Dominguez Hills, students also pursue a concentration that provides them with an opportunity to engage in deeper study in a particular area. This is what a truly well-rounded liberal arts education looks like! This diverse institution has been delivering outstanding academic offerings since 1960 and is part of the esteemed 23-campus CSU system.
California State University-Channel Islands
School of Education
Camarillo, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Teaching and Learning
- Concentrated Studies
- Integrated Teaching Credential
- Bilingual Authorization
- History and Social Science
- Human Development and Psychology
- Mathematics
- Reading, Language and Literature
- Science
- Visual and Performing Arts
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked 15th among the nation’s Most Transformative Colleges in 2020 by Money Magazine
- Ranked 20th among the Top Public Schools in the West by U.S. News & World Report in 2022
Cal State Channel Islands’ BA in Liberal Studies offers an affordable road to the multiple-subject teaching credential or the education specialist teaching credential and in-depth study in your concentration of choice. The BA in Liberal Studies also offers the Integrated Teacher Education Preparation (ITEP) program – your opportunity to earn your BA and teaching credential in just four years. Although Cal State Channel Islands is the newest addition to the CSU system, its accomplishments are impressive. Money Magazine ranked it among the Best Colleges for Transfer Students in 2018, and CollegeNET ranked it 15th in the nation for its Social Mobility Index for its commitment to delivering career-ready programs for economically disadvantaged students.
California State University Chico
Liberal Studies Department
Chico, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- General Option
- Bilingual-Cross-Cultural Option
- Multiple Subjects Credential Option (ITEP)
- Liberal Arts Option
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Consistently named a Most Transformative College by U.S. News & World Report
- Ranked among the nation’s top 7% Best Colleges by Money Magazine
Cal State Chico’s BA in Liberal Studies is your ticket to careers in education, government, social work, business, and so much more! For more than 130 years, Cal State Chico has been providing outstanding academic offerings as an Hispanic-Serving Institution. Today, this legacy of academic rigor and excellence continues, thanks to small class sizes, a dedicated faculty, and the outstanding resources of the CSU system. Cal State Chico is recognized for its high graduation rates (boasts one of the highest four-year graduation rates in CSU system) and has been consistently lauded by esteemed publications like U.S. News & World Report and Money Magazine for its affordability and commitment to academic excellence.
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
College of Education and Integrative Studies
Pomona, California

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- General Studies
- Pre-credential Teaching
- Integrated Teacher Education Program for Mild/Moderate Special Education
- Integrated Teacher Education Program for Moderate/Severe Special Education
Total Estimated Cost: $22,920
Cost Per Credit: $191 (in-state), $587 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,171 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked 1st among polytechnic universities and No. 18 among all U.S. universities for the number of Hispanic students graduating with bachelor degrees in 2019-20 by Hispanic Outlook on Education
- Ranked among the best public universities in the region
Cal State Polytechnic University’s BA in Liberal Studies offers no less than four options to customize your degree to suit your personal and professional goals. Regardless of which path you choose, the BA in Liberal Studies will provide you with a holistic, interdisciplinary course of study in the liberal arts. Conduct research, serve your community, participate in advocacy programs… options for learning here are plentiful and aimed at producing the next generation of trailblazers and leaders with a worldly view and a progressive mindset. Choose Cal State Poly Pomona and you’ll be part of one of the best public universities in the region and a top-ranked university for student achievement and economic success.
Montana State University-Northern
College of Arts, Sciences and Education
Havre, Montana

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $24,000
Cost Per Credit: $200 (in-state), $624 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $6,091 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked as the top school in Montana for economic mobility
- Customizable program includes your choice of two concentrations
The Montana State Northern BA in Liberal Studies is a flexible, affordable, and highly relevant program for today’s changemakers and trailblazers. Complete the program’s core coursework and then dive deep by choosing two concentration areas. Advance your foundation of knowledge in history, communication, science, social science and more and then design a program that best meets your personal and professional goals. Whether you’re interested in preparing for future graduate study or for careers in fields like social work, business, or public relations, the Montana State Northern BA in Liberal Studies has everything you need to become an active participant in today’s fast-paced global society.
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Portales, California

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, Liberal Arts Concentration (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $16,320
Cost Per Credit: $136 (in-state), $204 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $13,771 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Designed for students with prior academic experience (either through the completion of an AAS or at least 30 credits in a career-technical related discipline)
- Outstanding opportunities for program customization include more than 90 program options
Eastern New Mexico University’s BAAS is affordable, coming in at nearly $14,000 less than the regional average among similar programs, and flexible, offering more than 90 program options for the best in program customization! Designed for students who have already completed either an AAS degree or at least 30 credits within a career-technical related discipline, the BAAS through Eastern New Mexico is designed to leverage your prior academic experiences to help you earn an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree that will prepare you for a wide array of careers or for future graduate study. Complete the program’s general education requirements and then choose a primary and secondary concentration to customize your program.
Central Washington University
College of Arts and Humanities
Ellensburg, Washington

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Global Cultural Training Certificate
- Global Citizenship Certificate
- International Theatre Experience Certificate
- Latin American Business Certificate
- Non-Profit Organizational Management Certificate
- Professional Writing Certificate
- Spanish Translation and Interpretation Certificate
- Sport Business Certificate
Total Estimated Cost: $25,320
Cost Per Credit: $211 (in-state), $733 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,771 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Low, 18:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures a personalized, engaging academic experience
- Outstanding growth in enrollment – CWU ranked 22nd in the nation with an 89.9 percent increase in enrollment in the last five years
Central Washington’s BA in Liberal Studies is where flexibility meets affordability! Priced right at nearly $5,000 less than the regional average among similar programs, this program offers budget-conscious students with an exciting course of study that won’t break the bank. (It’s recognized as a Best Value University in Washington by Money Magazine.) With guidance from an academic advisor, you’ll choose among courses in at least three disciplines within the Colleges of Arts and Humanities, thereby creating a program that’s designed with your unique needs and interests in mind. You’ll also have an opportunity to further enhance your degree by adding one of the university’s certificates in relevant areas like nonprofit organizational management, global citizenship, and professional writing.
Midwest Region
Regional Average Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies: $38,000
Sinte Gleska University
College of Arts and Sciences
Mission, South Dakota

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- English-Literature
- History
- Natural Science
Total Estimated Cost: $12,369
Cost Per Credit: $103 (in-state)
Tuition cost is $25,708 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With just over 170 students, Sinte Gleska has a 100% acceptance rate, ensuring Brulé Lakota tribal members have an opportunity to take meaningful steps in their professional and personal lives.
- With a 14:1 student to faculty ratio, you will receive individualized attention from professors as part of a community that knows you personally.
- Sinte Gleska is opening the door for first-generation Brulé Lakota students, changing the trajectory of life for many individuals and families.
As the public tribal university of the Brulé Lakota people, Sinte Gleska University is committed to building a healthy tribal nation and sustaining cultural identity. They believe in developing students to become open-minded, critical-thinkers and life-long learner who carry forward the values of diversity and leadership. If you are interested in engaging in public and tribal service, and contribute to the economic and cultural development of the Lakota nation, Sinte Gleska University is the place to start.
Peru State University
School of Arts and Sciences
Peru, Nebraska

Bachelor in Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Art
- Music
- History-Political Science
- English-Journalism
- Science
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Anthropology
Total Estimated Cost: $22,320
Cost Per Credit: $186 (in-state), $186 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $15,748 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With roughly 2,400 diverse students, PSC offers a state-of-the-art education experience to residents of southeast Nebraska and students from around the world.
- PSC understands that today’s students have busy lives. With flexible online and on campus scheduling and no classes on Friday, you are free to pursue your personal needs, spend time with family, and enjoy your life.
- Nationally recognized for its affordability, PSC is committed to offering you a quality education at an affordable price.
At Peru State College, your academic journey will be about experiences, relationships, and finding new adventures. It will be about expanding your perspectives. And with one of the lowest tuition rates in the Midwest, it will also be about getting an exceptional value for your tuition dollars. If you are interested in joining a community of like-minded learners on a campus that is dedicated to meeting people and learning outside the classroom, Peru State College is the place for you!
Miami University – Middleton – Oxford – Regional
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science
Oxford, Ohio

BA/BS in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Creative Arts
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Business
- Engineering and Computing
- Education-Health and Society
- Professional Studies
- Applied Sciences
Total Estimated Cost: $24,480
Cost Per Credit: $204 (in-state), $568 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $13,588 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- MU offers over 200 majors and minors, and is home to more than 600 student organizations.
- With a 13:1 student to faculty ratio, Miami University of Ohio offers you direct and easy access to the faculty and staff, allowing a personalized and intimate educational experience.
- MU is committed to helping you graduate debt free. With their Miami University’s Work+ Program, you will have the opportunity to gain work experience while having your tuition paid for.
Proclaimed by Robert Frost to be, “The most beautiful campus that ever there was,” MU offers a breathtaking location as a backdrop for an outstanding liberal arts education available at a rate that comes in well below the regional average for similar programs. Filled with top-ranked faculty and staff, and a diverse student body of thinkers, doers, and leaders, MU. Through an Ivy League-quality education, Miami University is committed to helping you do what you love, find your purpose, and prepare you for a life of endless opportunities. Where do you want to go after college? With a degree from Miami University the answer is, “wherever you want.”
Lincoln University
College of Arts and Sciences
Jefferson County, Missouri

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $26,880
Cost Per Credit: $224 (in-state), $457 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,188 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Lincoln University offers 50 learner-centered undergraduate degree programs and is home to 50 registered student organizations, providing you a variety of opportunities to grow and connect with a diverse student body.
- Interested in joining the reserves? LU offers Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) as an elective to build leadership and problem-solving skills.
- With a 15:1 student to faculty ratio, LU provides you a personalized education complete with access to professors and faculty dedicated to helping you meet your goals.
Lincoln University is committed to meeting the needs of its diverse student population. Since its founding in 1866, Lincoln University has been dedicated to diversity, innovation, service, and high academic standards. That 150-year legacy offers the assurance of excellence in scholarship, and the Lincoln BLS still manages to offer a truly exceptional value, with a tuition rate that puts it comfortably among the most affordable in the Midwest. If you are interested in embracing a proud past and working towards a progressive future, Lincoln University is the place for you.
University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Bachelor of English - Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Liberal Studies
- Secondary Education
- Creative Writing
- Literature
- Linguistics
- Professional Writing
- Rhetoric
Total Estimated Cost: $30,960
Cost Per Credit: $258 (in-state), $511 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,108 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Participate in one of the 80+ study abroad opportunities, and study tours in Ireland as well New England as part of their Journey Through American Literary Heritage program.
- The English Club of UWO provides English majors and minors an opportunity to nourish and explore creativity and develop writing skills as part of a community of talented and supportive fellow writers.
- UWO offers 200 majors, minors, and emphases, and is home to well over 180 student organizations.
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is committed to your success. With a liberal education philosophy, UWO believes in providing you a broad knowledge of transferable skills that teach and instill values, ethics, and civic engagement. They wrestle with relevant issues, in a safe and diverse setting, ensuring that when you graduate you will be prepared to lead within your profession and your local community. If you are interested in joining a community that invests in you, your dreams and ambitions, and that does it all at a price well below the regional average, then UWO is the perfect place for you to study liberal arts!
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
College of Letters and Sciences
Whitewater, Wisconsin

BA or BS in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Library Media (K-12)
- Library Sciences
- Self-Directed
Total Estimated Cost: $30,960
Cost Per Credit: $258 (in-state), $553 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,108 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With roughly 60 majors and minors, as well as nine pre-professional programs and minors in business studies, the L&S program allows you to combine your liberal arts education with business, furthering your reach of influence and opportunity.
- In the spirit of the liberal arts, UWW allows you the opportunity to mold and shape your education in a way that fits your interests and needs.
- UWW believes that in order to gain a broad understanding of the world, you need to travel, providing students with access to a dedicated Center for Global Education that offers guidance in arranging internships and travel studies.
- 99% of UWW graduates are employed within their field or in graduate school, ensuring an immediate return on your educational investment.
The University of Wisconsin Whitewater provides the lowest cost of all four-year schools within the UW system. Located forty minutes from Madison, an hour from Milwaukee, and two hours from Chicago, attending UWW will provide you an opportunity to experience the Midwest Research Triangle, take in the many museums, and enjoy the many opportunities for academic and personal exploration. If you are interested in obtaining a quality education, joining a community dedicated to excellence and inclusion, and are eager to ensure success in life after college, UWW will get you there at a price you can afford.

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (hybrid)
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Communication and Arts
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Professional Fields
(Includes courses such as Children’s Literature, Family Relationships, Mental Health, and many more!)
Total Estimated Cost: $31,080
Cost Per Credit: $259 (in-state), $616 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $6,988 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Referred to as the “people’s university,” UNI has more than 160 majors and minors to choose from, ranging from education to medical and social services, to performing arts.
- The UNI campus and surrounding area is small enough that you’ll feel at home but large enough to provide opportunities for exploration and adventure, from indoor rock-climbing and over 80 miles of bike trails, to live music and comedy clubs.
- Through their Guided Independent Study option, you are able to choose from more than 60 course options that directly apply to your BLS degree, allowing you to pursue a variety of classes that are catered to your personal interests.
- A UNI advisor provides the high-touch, individualized support students need to stay on track and navigate university systems
- 96% of distance students would recommend a UNI online degree completion program to a friend or colleague (cumulative satisfaction survey results)
- UNI was named #1 Best Online College in Iowa by College Choice in 2020
- UNI Online and Distance Education has provided pathways to higher education opportunities for more than 100 years, and is nationally recognized for distance learning offerings.
UNI offers a top-ranked liberal arts program that lets you explore a variety of academic disciplines giving you the opportunity to design the program around your unique interests and goals. And they do it all with a tuition rate that comes in at nearly $7,000 below the average cost of similar programs in the Midwest. Whether you pick a concentration in humanities for a classic college experience in the liberal arts tradition or you want to focus your studies on one of the many diverse professional fields that can prepare you for a specific career track, the UNI BLS has you covered!
Purdue University Northwest
Department of History, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Cedar Falls, Iowa

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Humanities
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Natural Science and Mathematics
- Business and Technology
Total Estimated Cost: $32,280
Cost Per Credit: $269 (in-state), $390 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $5,788 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- PNW not only offers over 70 areas of study, but is also home to 80-plus student organizations, ensuring a rich and diverse educational experience.
- With over $30 million in external proposals and over $6 million in external awards, PNW is constantly striving to lead in the field of research.
- PNW offers a 16:1 student-to-faculty ratio, fostering individualized attention, an intentional learning experience, and mentorship opportunities.
- Located 15 miles from the Indian Dunes National Park and Lake Michigan, 30 miles from the great city of Chicago, and nestled in a bedrock of urban, rural, industrial, and natural diversity.
PNW is a university dedicated to changing the world. Through their Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion program to their Bachelor of Liberal Studies program, PNW strives to provide a quality, interdisciplinary education with both students and the world in mind. At PNW, students and faculty work on research projects together, taking on some of the most pressing challenges in science and society. As a student here, you’ll get a unique and interdisciplinary education that helps you meet your personal goals and the unique needs of your community. If you are interested in engaging with a college and community that challenges and encourages you to thrive, if you are looking for a program that is flexible, diverse, and student-centered, the PNW Bachelor of Liberal Studies is just what you’re after.
Ball State University
Department of Economics
Muncie, Indiana

BA/BS in Economics, Liberal Arts Option (on-campus)
- General
- Economics and Law
- Financial Economics
Total Estimated Cost: $33,120
Cost Per Credit: $276 (in-state), $851 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,948 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Small class sizes, full-time professors, and a variety of student clubs ensure you get a personalized and connected learning experience at Ball State.
- Take your learning abroad! Ball State offers intercultural learning opportunities all around the world, for credit, and with the possibility of gaining an internship.
- BSU graduates have a 94% career placement rate, finding high-quality and degree-relevant jobs all throughout Indiana, the US, and the world.
When you attend BSU, you not only gain a quality education that prepares you to succeed in the world, you come away empowered to change the world from the moment you step on campus. Nestled in the quaint city of Muncie – the 2020 All-American City Award Winner for its continued efforts to improve and enhance its community – BSU is dedicated to serving and improving the lives of students, and everyone in the global community. If you are interested in pursuing a liberal arts education and gaining tools, skills, and experiences that will allow you to better engage and change the world, BSU is the college for you.
Metropolitan State University
College of Liberal Arts
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Bachelor of Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Creative Writing
- Design of User Experience
- Digital Media
- English Minor
- Environmental Communication
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender Studies
- History
- Humanities
- Organizational Communication
- Political Sciences
- Public Relations
- Religious Studies
- Research and Information Studies
- Screenwriting
- Studio Arts
- Technical Communication
- Theater
Total Estimated Cost: $33,120
Cost Per Credit: $276 (in-state), $493 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,948 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With the option to select from 18 minor options, you’ll be able to build a program specifically designed with your needs and your dreams in mind.
- MSU has a 15:1 student to faculty ratio, ensuring classes are intimate and purposeful and that professors are available to their students, even outside of classroom hours.
- With an emphasis on research, analytics, communication, and individual goals, MSU’s liberal arts program provides you a strong foundation from which to pursue further education or the profession of your dreams.
Metropolitan State University is dedicated to helping you succeed in your journey. Through their commitment to excellence, engagement, and diversity, MSU teaches you how to engage with the world. The MSU BLS delivers enriching opportunities, experiences, and ideas, giving you a global perspective and a renewed appreciation for the world. If you are interested in building community, engaging in interactive student-centered courses, and if you are interested in joining a rich history of innovation and diversity, MSU is just the place for you.
Iowa State University
College of Liberal Arts and Science
Iowa City, Iowa

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Humanities
- Communications and Art
- Natural Science and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Professional Fields
(Includes courses in Agriculture, Education, Business, and many more!)
Total Estimated Cost: $33,240
Cost Per Credit: $277 (in-state), $805 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,828 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- ISU offers more than 100 academic majors and programs, and awarded more than $2 million in scholarships in the most recent school year.
- The BLS program was designed with working professionals in mind, providing learning opportunities outside the traditional on-campus degree structure.
- Study and serve abroad with opportunities that include short-term stay, semester, or even full year options.
- With about 40,000 students, Iowa State is the perfect size, allowing you the opportunity to make friends and build new connections yet still feel known and supported.
- 92% of ISU graduating students find jobs in their fields, while 97% of graduates looking to further their education are accepted into graduate school.
Iowa State University cares about you. From catering to your individual academic needs, to allowing up to three-fourths of your total credits to be transferred in, ISU makes earning your BLS more accessible than you might realize. With world-class academics and a tight-knit college community built around Big 12 teams, ISU offers you a breath-taking campus, a supportive and friendly learning environment, and a home-away-from-home atmosphere. Attending Iowa State University means having a truly fun and unique college experience, and one that is perfectly suited to studying the liberal arts.
Bemidji State University
Bemidji, Minnesota

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Economics
- English
- Environmental Science
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Humanities
- Indigenous Studies
- International Studies
- Mass Communications
- Mathematics
- Music Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Technology, Art and Design
Total Estimated Cost: $34,800
Cost Per Credit: $290 (in-state), $290 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $3,168 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With just over 5,000 students and 70 areas of study, Bemidji provides a small-town experience with large-school opportunities.
- Bemidji is committed to students and building relationships, offering nearly 100 student organizations that range from student government to a variety of clubs based on major, religion, favorite activities, and special interests.
BMU is committed to providing students with the kind of educational experience that prepares them to lead inspired lives. The wooded campus and surrounding lakes here help foster that sense of inspiration, and compliment the ideals of the liberal arts department and its vision of interdisciplinary learning. At Bemidji State University, you will be encouraged to think critically, become part of the tight-knit community of fellow-students and academics, and explore the natural beauty of the surrounding area. If you are looking for outdoor adventure and opportunities while diving into a world class interdisciplinary liberal arts curriculum under experienced and dedicated professors, there is no better place for you than Bemidji State University.
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
College of Arts and Sciences
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $35,520
Cost Per Credit: $296 (in-state), $572 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $2,548 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- UWEU allows liberal arts majors to choose their own courses, based on a primary academic theme, providing you an opportunity to pursue several areas of academic interests.
- According to the Princeton Review, UWEU is one of 2022’s best colleges, ranked #1 in undergraduate collaborative research, and recognized as a top producer of Fulbright students.
- UWEU offers more than 160 programs, each of which is designed to meet your personal goals and interests.
- With over 230 student organizations, a beautiful campus and surrounding area, UWEU will quickly become your home away from home.
The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is committed to diversity, innovation, and positive change. Through the liberal studies capstone course, you will be able to conduct research specific to the major you design, allowing you freedom to dig deeper into the topics that drive your passion. At UWEU, you will have the opportunity to learn from and alongside a dedicated award-winning faculty who care deeply about ensuring students are well-prepared for the future. If you are eager to build a background in the liberal arts to prepare for your life ahead, you will find the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire faculty just as eager to help you get there.
Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
College of Arts and Sciences
Edwardsville, Illinois

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Self-directed
Total Estimated Cost: $36,680
Cost Per Credit: $304 (in-state), $304 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $1,388 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Located 25 miles outside of St. Louis, SIUE offers students easy access to a thriving downtown that offers excellent transportation, museums and libraries, recreational opportunities such as biking trails and parks, and much more.
- Southern Illinois is one of the most cost-effective four-year institutions in Illinois, awarding more than $148 million in scholarships and financial aid last year.
- Take advantage of the SIUE study abroad program for opportunities to learn from brilliant instructors around the world.
Situated on more than 2,600 acres, Southern Illinois University will provide you a high-quality education filled with diverse people and ideas, and the opportunity to pursue enriching learning experiences in one of the most beautiful places in the world. As a liberal studies major, you will develop an individualized curriculum that will get you to your personal, professional, and educational goals. Offering a very competitive tuition rate that comes in below the regional average, you can access to all the opportunities SIUE has to offer at a price you can afford.
Western Illinois University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Macomb, Illinois

Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Sciences (on-campus)
- Peace Corps
- Paired Minor
Total Estimated Cost: $36,960
Cost Per Credit: $308 (in-state), $308 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $1,108 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Two unique emphases to choose from with the option for an integrated baccalaureate and master’s degree program, providing you an opportunity to earn both degrees in five years.
- WIU guarantees graduation within four years for most degree programs, ensuring a purposeful and cost-effective education.
- Offers automatic scholarships! For incoming freshman with a 3.3 GPA, academic scholarships are awarded each year for continuous full-time students.
- Provides a Peace Corp emphasis, allowing you to integrate your courses with community development and international service experiences.
Western Illinois University wants to empower you to lead. Through interdisciplinary learning, research, and service, WIU will provide you a chance to grow your potential, gain clarity in purpose, and expand your educational opportunities. Fostering a student-centered learning environment, WIU values diversity and strives to provide you with a regional and global perspective. If you are interested in an interdisciplinary education in the arts and sciences, in learning through applied experiences, and if you are eager for opportunities that will help prepare you to be adaptable and creative in all your endeavors, the WIU Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Sciences is the perfect fit for you!
Indiana State University
School of Music
Terre Haute, Indiana

Bachelor in Music Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Music Liberal Arts
Total Estimated Cost: $37,320
Cost Per Credit: $311 (in-state), $686 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $748 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Perfect for students interested in pursuing a minor in a non-music field such as business administration, English, psychology, legal studies, and more.
- Learn and study abroad! With over 56 countries to choose from, you can pursue your degree with the option of a summer program, single semester, or a full academic year abroad.
- As an ISU Musical Liberal Arts student, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in ensembles, receive private lessons, attend concerts, and study music history, music technology, conducting, and more!
ISU believes in opportunity, in serving and connecting with the public, and in the right to pursue happiness. They also believe in the power of music to transcend cultural boundaries. ISU’s Music Liberal Arts program is led by a distinguished faculty of performers and scholars, giving you an inspired educational experience built on research and experiential learning. As a student here at ISU, you will develop a wide range and a refined understanding of the art of music. You will also experience how to use that understanding to impact your local community, and the greater global community. If you have a passion for music and helping others, if you too believe in the right to pursue your musical ambitions, ISU’s BA in Music Liberal Arts will build on your talents and inspire you to achieve greatness.
University of Missouri – Kansas City
College of Arts and Sciences
Kansas City, Missouri

Bachelor of Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Humanities Area
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Black Studies Emphasis
Total Estimated Cost: $37,680
Cost Per Credit: $314 (in-state), $878 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $388 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With the option to choose from four diverse minors, the UMKC BLA offers ample opportunities to craft your liberal arts college experience around your interests and goals.
- Interested in world travel? UMKC offers you the opportunity to study abroad in more than 60 countries.
- UMKC is home to 300+ student organizations that allow students to get in shape, participate in a variety of intramurals, and join club sports.
- UMKC has over 16,000 enrolled students yet still maintains a 14:1 student to faculty ratio, ensuring endless opportunities to make new connections yet still have personal access to the UMKC faculty.
- Successful BLA students have the option to transition into the UMKC medical program, earning a BLA/MD in six years, or matriculate into the Early Entry Law Program.
UMKC is just minutes away from Kansas City, a city that thrives with high-paying jobs and a low cost of living, along with internationally recognized museums, art galleries, and music venues just waiting to inspire liberal arts students. At UMKC, it’s all about the student experience. With drop-in recreation opportunities and outstanding facilities, UMKC students have easy access to fun and exercise, from swimming to biking to salsa dancing. If you are looking for the ultimate college experience at a school that will foster your ambitions and prepare you for your future, the University of Missouri – Kansas City is the place for you.
University of Illinois Springfield
Liberal Arts and Sciences Department
Springfield, Illinois

Bachelor Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $37,680
Cost Per Credit: $314 (in-state), $631 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $388 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Based on the Boyer Model, UIS’s non-traditional liberal studies program emphasizes seven broad subject categories (identity, work, nature, institutions, language, heritage, and art) giving you the ultimate flexibility in designing your curriculum and fostering a holistic approach to life and learning.
- Credit for Prior Learning. UIS provides credit for out-of-classroom experiences through their prior learning credit offer, saving you time and money.
- The U of I campus offers a 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio, giving professors the opportunity to know their students, ensuring a more personal and individualized learning experience.
A foundational component to UIS is their commitment to diversity. Through the celebration of different cultures, learning experiences, and the many other fun and enriching opportunities you’ll have access to here, the University of Illinois Springfield is dedicated to ensuring that you are immersed in a diverse, student-centered learning environment that prepares you to fully contribute to your local community and beyond. If you are interested in realizing your full potential through a non-traditional self-directed program, if you are eager to be a leader in your community and to join others in a meaningful learning experience, the UIS Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the place for you.
Southern Region
Regional Average Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies: $32,800
Delaware State University
College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Dover, Delaware

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Law Studies, Criminal Justice & Political Sciences
- Media Arts and Culture
Total Estimated Cost: $28,200
Cost Per Credit: $235 (in-state), $565 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,633 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Low, 16:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures a personalized learning environment
- Exciting selection of concentrations, minors, and certificates available
- Built on a history of academic excellence dating back to 1891
Traditional students, transfer students, non-degree completers – DSU’s BA in Liberal Studies is built for you! An exciting selection of courses from departments throughout the university come together in this interdisciplinary course of study, while co-curricular activities ensure a truly engaging learning experience. Choose one or more minors, certifications, or emphases to create your personalized program and advance your professional and personal goals. Minors in Women and Gender Studies or Africana Studies, a Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Counseling, and your choice of three concentrations are just some of the options afforded to students of DSU’s bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies.
New College of Florida
Sarasota, Florida

BA in Liberal Arts (on-campus)
- Natural Science
Total Estimated Cost: $27,720
Cost Per Credit: $231 (in-state), $998 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $5,113 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- An average class size of just 18 and a student-to-faculty ratio of just 7:1 ensure a personalized, engaging learning experience
- Courses are designed as seminar-style, interactive classes for superior engagement and interaction
The BA in Liberal Arts is built on the New College commitment to active learning and individual responsibility. Students of this exciting, interdisciplinary program are encouraged to learn and participate as they create a personalized liberal arts experience built around their individual goals and interests. Faculty mentors will guide your learning here, which is designed around small class sizes and collaborative experiences. Classroom learning here is complemented with outstanding, immersive projects both on and off campus. Research, independent projects, and internships are just some of the opportunities you’ll use to take your bachelor’s degree in the liberal arts to the next level.
Florida International University
College of Arts, Science and Education (CASE)
Miami, Florida

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Health and Human Concerns
- Humanities and Cultural Traditions
- Law, Business & Society
- Education, Policy & Community
Total Estimated Cost: $24,720
Cost Per Credit: $206 (in-state), $619 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $8,113 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Part of a Carnegie R1-ranked institution
- Four thematic tracks provide students with a focused, well-rounded liberal arts program
The Florida International University BA in Liberal Studies is affordable, coming it at more than $8,000 less than the regional average for other similar programs. Robust in design, it offers a selection of thematic tracks for building out a personalized and well-rounded course of study. Whether your future aspirations include direct entry into the professional world or continued study at the graduate level, FIU’s BA in Liberal Studies has you covered! Choose FUI for your bachelor’s degree and you’ll be part of CASE – home to nearly 27,000 students, more than 600 faculty members, and annual research funding topping $60 million. This is where the next generation of problem-solvers, trailblazers, and explorers develop their knowledge and skills!
Georgia College and State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Milledgeville, Georgia

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Culture Religion and Society
- European Studies
- Gender and Sexuality
- Individualized Studies
- Race and Social Justice
- Global Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $30,000
Cost Per Credit: $250 (in-state), $890 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $2,833 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Named a Best Regional College South in 2022 by U.S. News & World Report
- A low, student-to-faculty ratio of just 17:1 delivers excellent student engagement and interaction
No less than six, exciting, multidisciplinary concentrations make the Georgia College and State University BA in Liberal Studies the well-rounded course of study you’ve been looking for to guide you on your globally minded professional journey. Choose the Culture, Religion and Society concentration and you’ll enjoy a rich curriculum with courses in areas like history, anthropology, English, and African studies… choose the European Studies concentration and you’ll study English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish… or choose the Gender and Sexuality concentration and you’ll build a foundation of knowledge in areas like women’s studies, psychology, sociology, and kinesiology. Students who want to make a difference in the world choose Georgia College for the inspiring experiences it offers and the affordable tuition rate.
Fort Valley State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Fort Valley, Florida

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- African and African American World Diaspora Studies
- Creative Arts
- Environmental Studies
- International Affairs
- Spanish Language and Cultures
- Themes Self-Designated
Total Estimated Cost: $20,280
Cost Per Credit: $169 (in-state), $616 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $12,533 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Built on a 125-year-plus commitment to excellence in higher learning for students of all races, genders, and cultures
- Consistently ranked as the top public historically black college in Georgia, including by U.S. News & World Report in 2019 and 2020
At nearly $13,000 less than the regional average for similar liberal arts bachelor’s degrees, Fort Valley State offers an exceptionally affordable course of study for today’s budget-conscious students. But that’s not all – FVSU’s BA in Liberal Studies delivers an interdisciplinary course of study that’ll prime you for exciting careers that call for broad-minded, globally conscious, creative thinkers. Whether you’re prepping for a career or for future graduate study, the BA in Liberal Studies has what you need to succeed. Contemporary, worldly concentrations serve as the ideal addition to this holistic course of study, while the school’s commitment to personal attention ensures an engaging learning experience from start to finish.
Clayton State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Morrow, Georgia

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- African and African Studies
- Arts
- Aviation Administration
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication & Media Studies
- Corporate Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Dance
- Education Specialties
- English
- Film
- Forensic Science
- French
- History
- Homeland Security/Emergency Management
- Legal Studies
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Theatre
- Women's and Gender Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $20,280
Cost Per Credit: $169 (in-state), $616 (out-of-state), $169 (online)
Tuition cost is $12,533 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Also Offers: MA in Liberal Studies
- Diverse student population includes students from more than 34 states and 32 countries
- Ranked among the Best Regional Universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report in 2019
At nearly $13,000 less than the regional average for a bachelor’s degree in the liberal arts, Clayton State’s BA in Liberal Studies is a stand-out winner. But you’ll get far more than just an affordable program here. The BA in Liberal Studies’ interdisciplinary course of study is limited only by your imagination! This customizable program allows you to work with an advisor to design a curriculum that best matches your personal goals and interests. Whether you’re prepping for graduate study or ready to enter the real world upon graduation, this program, which includes an Arts & Sciences minor of your choice, will get you where you want to be.
Kentucky State University
Whitney Young Honors Collegium
Frankfort, Kentucky

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $30,840
Cost Per Credit: $257 (in-state), $385 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $1,993 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Program may be completed as part of the university’s Honors Program, which serves as an excellent foundation for future graduate study and law school
- Exciting options to design a personalized program that meets your specific goals and interests
Whether you’re prepping for grad school, law school, or the real world, the Kentucky State BA in Liberal Studies offers the exceptional preparation you’ll need for success in your future academic and professional endeavors. The BA in Liberal Studies is also home to an esteemed Honors Program, which serves as an outstanding foundation for future graduate or professional work. With an interdisciplinary and broad-based curriculum, the BA in Liberal Studies is actually KSU’s designated pre-law program for those that choose to go on to law school. Even if you’re not in the Honors Program, you’ll be part of the school’s Integrative Studies Program, which is home to no less than seven globally focused seminars that are designed to complement your interdisciplinary course of study. Double major by combining the school’s liberal studies major with another major, minor in liberal studies, or design your own curriculum to create a personalized bachelor’s degree that’s built with your goals and interests in mind – the choice is yours!
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Natchitoches, Louisiana

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $20,760
Cost Per Credit: $173 (in-state), $824 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $12,073 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Online students pay no out-of-state fees
- Ranked as a Top Military Friendly University and one of the best online schools for veterans
Calling all non-traditional students! NSU’s BA in Liberal Arts is offered both as a traditional, campus-based program and as an online program for those busy, working pros who demand the flexibility and convenience of a distance-based course of study. This interdisciplinary program is fully customizable, allowing you to explore areas of interest and design a program that’s uniquely you. Minors, courses, concentrations, and co-curricular activities here are designed around you! With the addition of online study and an affordable tuition that places it more than $12,000 below the regional average for similar programs, NSU can’t be beat for the liberal arts major!
Michigan State University
College of Liberal Arts
Baltimore, Maryland

BS in Applied Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $21,960
Cost Per Credit: $183 (in-state), $532 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $10,873 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Features a blend of classroom and experiential learning experiences for a truly well-rounded course of study
- Fully customizable program
Morgan State University’s BS in Applied Liberal Studies features everything you’d want in a liberal arts program – an affordable tuition (it’s nearly $11,000 less than the regional average among similar programs), a fully customizable curriculum, and an exciting array of experiential and service-learning opportunities. Choose an area of interest and then pick and choose courses from any of the university’s schools and departments to create a program that’s uniquely you! It’s no wonder that the BS in Applied Liberal Studies has become the fastest growing degree program at Morgan State!
Frostburg State University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Frostburg, Maryland

BS/BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $27,360
Cost Per Credit: $228 (in-state), $711 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $5,473 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Outstanding research and study abroad opportunities available
- Low, student-to-faculty ratio of just 16:1 ensures you’re not just a number
Frostburg State’s BS/BA in Liberal Studies is all about taking charge of your education and designing an affordable program of study that’s focused on your unique interests. At Frostburg, you’re free to design a program that meets your specific academic goals; select a minor or certificate or choose among courses that best fit your needs, choose from on-campus courses in Frostburg or in Hagerstown, and complement them with convenient online courses. Whether you’re preparing for graduate school or the real world, this is the program that will get you there!
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina

BA in Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies (online)
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Psychology
- Professional Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $26,640
Cost Per Credit: $222 (in-state), $406 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $6,193 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked among the nation’s best online bachelor’s program by U.S. News & World Report
- Fully online program features no on-campus requirements
Contemporary concentrations, an affordable tuition that places it more than $6,000 below the regional average for similar programs, and a fully online course of study make UNC Greensboro’s BA in Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies a winner for tomorrow’s changemakers and trailblazers! This online program offers the outstanding flexibility today’s busy, working professional demand: seven- and fourteen-week courses, no set class times, and a superb selection of contemporary, innovative courses like Great Gun Debate, Ethics and Technology, and Women, War & Terror.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Belk College of Business
Charlotte, North Carolina

BS in Economics, Liberal Arts Concentration (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $15,240
Cost Per Credit: $127 (in-state), $555 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $17,593 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Also offers: MA in Liberal Studies
- Designed for students with future graduate/law school aspirations
- Belk College of Business holds the esteemed AACSB credential
Priced nearly $18,000 below the regional average for similar programs, UNC Charlotte’s BS in Economics, Liberal Arts Concentration is affordability at its finest! But affordability is just the beginning of what this program offers. As part of the esteemed UNC System, this program is grounded in a long and storied history of academic excellence. Housed within the Belk College of Business, a premier urban research business school that holds AACSB international accreditation (just two percent of the world’s business schools have achieved this designation), you won’t find a more progressive and innovative place to explore all that a liberal arts program has to offer. If you have future graduate school or law school on your mind, this program should be on your short list!
North Carolina A&T State University
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Greensboro, North Carolina

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- African American Studies
- Cultural Studies
- International Studies
- Pre-Law
- Dance
- Race, Class & Culture
- Women's Studies
- Individualized Studies Program
Total Estimated Cost: $14,160
Cost Per Credit: $118 (in-state), $568 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $18,211 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Ranked as the top public historically black university in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
- Options to create a fully customizable program or choose from one of eight contemporary concentrations
North Carolina A&T State University’s BA in Liberal Studies offers outstanding affordability within the largest and top-ranked historically black university in the country! Customize your liberal studies bachelor’s degree by choosing among eight progressive concentration options like Race, Class & Culture and Women’s Studies or design your own personalized course of study – the choice is yours! Whether you’re priming for future graduate study or pursuing an interdisciplinary degree to prepare you for the professional world, North Carolina A&T ensures you’ll have the flexibility to tailor a degree that best meets your individual needs and career goals.
University of Central Oklahoma
UCO Connected Campus
Edmond, Oklahoma

BA in Liberal Studies (online)
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Creative Studies
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- English
- Geography
- History
- Humanities
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Mass Communication
- Modern Language
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theatre Arts
Total Estimated Cost: $28,148
Cost Per Credit: $227 (in-state), $590 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $4,223 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Also Offers: MA in Liberal Studies
- Fully online program features no campus requirements
- Outstanding selection of contemporary concentrations with real-world value
An interdisciplinary program focused on contemporary issues with real-world value… an affordable tuition that places it more than $4,000 less than the regional average among similar programs… and a fully online course of study make the University of Central Oklahoma’s BA in Applied Liberal Arts a superb choice for liberal arts study in Oklahoma! You’ll feel good about choosing an online program through UCO, which offers the same, top-notch educational experience as its on-campus programs and is led by professors with real-world experience. The UCO Connected Campus is always there when you need it, day and night, so earning your bachelor’s degree in Applied Liberal Arts has never been more accessible!
Langston University
Tulsa, Oklahoma

BA in Liberal Education (on-campus)
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Corrections
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- Education
- Finance
- History
- Humanities
- Information Systems
- Management
- Marketing
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Special Education
- Organizational Leadership
- Health Care Administration
- Library Science
- Rehabilitation Services
Total Estimated Cost: $26,908
Cost Per Credit: $217 (in-state), $462 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $5,463 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Low, 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures an engaging, personalized course of study
- Designed for students who have already completed two years of study through a community or four-year college
Langston University’s BA in Liberal Education is built on affordability and flexibility, offering an accelerated course of study for students who have already completed two years of study at a community college or the general ed requirements at a four-year college. Choose Langston and you’ll earn your liberal education bachelor’s degree in just 12 months! Whether you’re preparing for graduate study or the real world, Langston’s BALE allows you to explore areas of interest to you. Since 1897, Langston has been offering outstanding academic offerings as an historically black university – the only one in the state of Oklahoma.
Texas A&M University – Central Texas
College of Arts and Sciences
Killeen, Texas

BS in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
- Accounting*
- Anthropology
- Aviation Science
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Chemistry
- Computer Information Systems*
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice*
- English*
- Finance*
- Fine Arts*
- Forensic Investigation
- History
- Homeland Security
- Human Resource Management*
- Interdisciplinary Film Studies
- Language and Linguistics
- Management*
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Military Science
- Political Science
- Psychology*
- Religious Studies
- Social Work
- Sociology
*offered online
Total Estimated Cost: $24,960
Cost Per Credit: $208 (in-state), $534 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $7,411 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Also offers: MS in Liberal Studies
- Ranked as one of the most ethnically diverse schools in the U.S.
- Outstanding student engagement through a low, 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio
On-campus or online, Texas A&M – Central Texas’ BS in Liberal Studies offers an affordable, interdisciplinary course of study (bachelor’s completion) that’s built for both traditional and non-traditional students alike. Explore an area of interest to you… build upon your professional skills… prepare for graduate school – whatever your goals, Texas A&M – Central Texas will get you where you want to be, thanks to the option of in-person or distance-based courses, and an outstanding selection of minor options. Choose from three minors and create a program that’s uniquely you.
Eastern Region
Regional Average Cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies: $40,000
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, Connecticut

Liberal Studies Major (on-campus)
- English
- Environmental Earth Science
- History and Social Science
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences
Total Estimated Cost: $24,600
Cost Per Credit: $205 (in-state), $615 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $15,400 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Offered exclusively to students preparing for elementary or early childhood education, with concentrations in Natural Science, History/Social Science, English, Math, and Earth Science.
- Through their Center for Early Childhood Education, ECSU offers select students the opportunity to become research assistants on research projects with young children.
- ECSU offers a 15:1 student to faculty ratio, ensuring a personalized and purposeful education
- ECSU offers faculty-mentored research in every major
- Through their Global Field Course, ECSU offers the opportunity to take a semester of classes from over 190 universities around the country, and the world.
With more than 90 student clubs to choose from, state of the art technology, and more than 2,500 on-campus events a year, Eastern Connecticut State University provides plenty of opportunities to grow and expand your knowledge and experience of the world, all while nestled in Connecticut’s “quiet corner” of wooded hills and pastures. At Eastern, you will enjoy an inclusive and supportive culture that is dedicated to supporting your academic and personal goal, while preparing you to succeed and serve in a global workplace.
University of Southern Maine
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Willimantic, Connecticut

Bachelors in Liberal Studies – Humanities (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $34,560
Cost Per Credit: $288 (in-state), $788 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $5,440 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- USM understands life is hard. Offering 15-week and 7-week online and traditional classes allowing you to steadily work towards a degree, at your own pace, in a way that works best for you.
- Professional Development! USM offers on-campus and online programs that provide you with comprehensive training, including certificate programs and workshops, that can help you advance in your skills and careers.
- USM offers a 13:1 student to faculty ratio, ensuring you a personalized and purposeful education experience.
At the core of USM is service, citizenship, and communication. Through a rigorous reading and writing program you will be able to harness the power of language to discover and cultivate ideas, communicate those ideas clearly and productively, and make a direct and purposeful impact on your local and greater community. With an affordable liberal arts and sciences degree, USM provides you discovery, scholarship, and creativity. If you are interested in the arts, if you find joy in pursuing ideas and the expression of thought, if you have a passion to make a difference, USM might just be the best place for you to study the liberal arts.
University of Maine at Augusta
Augusta, Maine

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $29,400
Cost Per Credit: $245 (in-state), $607 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $10,600 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- The Liberal Studies program offers a variety of academic options, allowing you a wide menu of courses to choose from that reach and meet your academic and personal needs.
- Because UMA believes education is pivotal to changing lives, they have partnered with the Department of Corrections to provide educational service to Maine State Prison residents.
- Civic Engagement: UMA connects students and faculty with the local community through their many different classes, events, and programs.
Distinguished by excellence and accessibility, UMA believes education can transform the lives of every student, no matter their age or background. Through their high-quality distance and on-site class offerings, UMA is committed to helping you grow as a person and in your professional endeavors so that you can impact your local and greater community. If you are interested in joining a university that values excellence and success, if you are eager to continue your educational journey with a school who will help you balance your family and work responsibilities, UMA is the school for you.
Thomas Edison State University
Heavin School of Arts and Sciences
Trenton, New Jersey

BA in Liberal Studies (online)
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- General Management
- Healthcare Management
- Health and Wellness
- Human Resources Management
- Humanities
- Labor Studies
- Natural Sciences/Mathematics
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
Total Estimated Cost: $28,680
Cost Per Credit: $239 (in-state), $309 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,320 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Designed for students interested in combining course disciplines within a Liberal Arts degree, creating a unique and personalized multidisciplinary degree.
- TESU accepts workplace trainings and experience as college credit through The Office of Professional Learning Reviews.
- Through the Office of Military and Veteran Education and Outreach, TESU allows military students to continue their education wherever they are stationed or deployed.
TESU understands that, as an adult, you cannot put your life on hold. This is why TESU is committed to working with your schedule, your life experiences, and your special interests to make sure you have access to the life-changing benefits that come with a liberal arts education. TESU is dedicated to the adult learner, providing you a variety of class options, catering their Liberal Arts degrees to your interests, and allowing you to choose courses that align with your goals. And they manage to do it all at an affordable tuition rate that comes in more than $11,000 below the regional average! If you are looking to improve or change careers, if you are interested in pursuing further education but are struggling to fit it into your busy and demanding life, consider Thomas Edison State University.
SUNY Empire State College
School of Undergraduate Studies
Saratoga Springs, New York

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $566 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With more than 110 online degrees and certificates, SUNY offers tailored degrees that meet your individual education, career, or personal goals.
- SESC offers you opportunities to get involved, from student organizations, college events, workshops, and discussions (both in person and online), SUNY believes the more you are involved the more successful you will be.
- SUNY has partnered with organized labor, all branches of the military, as well as the private and nonprofit sectors, ensuring that you and the members and employees of these organizations are able to meet all mandates and licensure requirements, while opening doors for advancement.
SUNY is dedicated to you. Be it in your academic or personal success, SUNY will provide you a variety of resources and services that will help you achieve your future goals and aspirations. Through student diversity, distinguished staff, and innovative programs, SUNY is committed to supporting individual goals in a collaborative mentoring environment. If you are interested in attending a university that is affordable, flexible, and dedicated to improving the lives of its students, consider SUNY Empire State College.
SUNY College at Old Westbury
School of Arts and Sciences
Long Island, New York

BA in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $566 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With numerous books and creative works to their names, SCOW faculty will be able to lead from experience and example.
- SUNY Old Westbury is committed to your success, offering numerous support and service systems, ensuring you every opportunity to excel in your college experience.
- SCOW offers a 14:1 student to faculty ratio, ensuring a personalized and purposeful education
- Known as the “most diverse college” in the SUNY-system, SCOW’s Community Action, Learning and Leadership (CALL) program embraces a diverse and innovative learning environment.
- With over 604 wooded acres, located only 22 miles from New York City, and with 60+ student organizations, SCOW offers you a variety of opportunities to explore and connect with people.
SUNY Old Westbury believes in academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and delivering the kind of college experience that ignites your passions and encourages learning. They believe in building a more just and sustainable world. They also believe in providing an affordable education. If you are interested in joining a dynamic and rigorous Liberal Arts program that is passionate about integrity, community, and engagement, if you believe in personal growth for the purpose of rising to meet social and environmental responsibilities, SUNY Old Westbury is the school for you!
SUNY at Purchase College
School of Arts and Sciences
Purchase, New York

Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts (BALA) (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $566 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- The BALA program is truly interdisciplinary, allowing you to build and direct your own course of study.
- At Purchase, adventure and exploration exists everywhere, including their famous student center – the Stood – a student-led organization that accommodates hundreds of events and gatherings to keep students involved and engaged.
- SUNY PC offers a diverse and inclusive community that includes chemists, performers, computer scientists, painters, poets, and more!
- Surrounded by over 500 acres of open fields and only 30 miles from New York City, Purchase College allows you the opportunity to explore the area on your own and connect with others.
Working closely with two or more faculty members from different academic disciplines, you are able to design your own course of study, meeting both your personal interests as well as the academic integrity of SUNY Brockport. Through rigorous coursework, a foundational belief in inclusion, and an abiding reverence for the visual and performing arts, SUNY Brockport’s liberal arts program is second to none. If you consider yourself a dreamer and a DIYer, if you are all things humanities and sciences and ache to be part of the future of the arts and culture scene in New York – if you long to “Think Wide Open” – SUNY Brockport is the place you need to be.
SUNY at Brockport
School of Arts and Sciences
Brockport, New York

Contractual Liberal Arts Major (on-campus, online)
BA/BS in Liberal Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $566 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- The BLS program at SUNY Brockport can be completed online and through an independent study, allowing you freedom to move forward in your career or chosen area of study.
- Students at Brockport learn alongside faculty, engaging in innovative activities, research, fieldwork, and internships.
- Brockport offers you an opportunity to engage the world through study abroad opportunities, offering over 100 programs across all seven continents, remote international internships, and Global Citizenship Virtual Exchange Programs which allows you the opportunity to partner with groups of students from around the world.
Established in 1835, Brockport is a well-established College that is committed to building meaningful and vibrant lives, for its students as well as the local and surrounding communities. At Brockport, you will have the opportunity to engage in an inclusive community that inspires excellence through growth, engagement, and transformation. Brockport is committed to you and your success, as a student as well as in your career after graduation, offering career services and career development resources to current students and alumni. At Brockport, you will receive an education that is founded in academic excellence, research, and service, preparing you for whatever the future may hold.
SUNY at New Paltz
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
New Paltz, New York

BA/BS in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Literature
- Social Science
- Global Studies
- United States Studies
- Fine & Performing Arts
- Environmental Literacy
- General Business
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $566 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Lead by teachers who live professional lives as artists, composers, scholars and teachers, at New Paltz, you gain a learning community that is active, hands-on, and relevant.
- Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, midway between the State Capital of Albany and New York City, New Paltz provides you a unique opportunity to enrich your college experience through travel and meaningful engagements.
- The Sojourner Truth library is open to the staff, students, and community as an enduring dedication to the influential abolitionist and woman’s right activist. The library is one of only a few buildings in the United States that is named in honor of an enslaved person.
At New Paltz, the liberal arts and sciences are enduringly relevant. You’ll find a contemporary curriculum here in the liberal arts tradition, giving you the insights to make sense of the changing world and to be influential within it. Leaning on the pillars of intellectual development and integrity, the liberal arts program at New Paltz inspires students to understand the past and present as a way to better shape the future. If you are interested in pursuing new technologies and exploring new ideas, if you are interested in joining a community that is invested in diversity and change, SUNY at New Haven is the place for you.
Stony Brook University
College of Arts and Sciences
Stony Brook, New York

BA in Multidisciplinary Studies (MTD) (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $236 (in-state), $833 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Offering over 60 majors and 80+ minors, Stony Brook is committed to helping you find and pursue your passions and interests.
- On the North Shore of Long Island, located 60 miles east of NYC and 3 miles from West Meadow Beach, Stony Brook offers over 1000 acres of beauty, exploration, and opportunities
- With 98% of faculty holding doctoral or higher degrees in their field, Stony Brook is home of notable and award-winning professors, such as Oyeronke Oyewumi, winner of the distinguished Africanist Award!
- Through the Academy of Civic Life program, you will become familiar with democracy and activism, work with mentors, and make a difference, in your local, future, and surrounding communities.
Stony Brook believes in research, discovery, and changing the world. Within the College of Arts and Sciences, you will gain a global perspective, delve into the digital revolution of the past, present and future, and immerse yourself in scholarly creativity and exploration through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and an integration of disciplines. If you are eager to push boundaries, if you long to expand your mind in a variety of disciplines and use your knowledge and skills to help your local and surrounding communities, Stony Brook University is just the place for you.
Lehman College
Bronx, New York

BA/BS in Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies
Total Estimated Cost: $28,320
Cost Per Credit: $231 (in-state), $496 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $11,680 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Through the Bronx Recovery Corps, you will have the opportunity to earn academic credit and gain work experience, all while contributing to the fight to revitalize the Bronx’s economy.
- Lehman College is dedicated to education and lifting people and communities out of poverty. With their bold challenge of 90×30, Lehman is striving to offer 90,000 or more degrees and credentials by the year 2030.
Lehman is dedicated to fighting for social justice, advocating for human rights, honoring our many differences, and working towards equality and equity for all. Offering an affordable interdisciplinary liberal arts program, Lehman College strives to provide ample opportunities for you to grow and develop into an engaged citizen and a force for meaningful change in your local and greater community. If you are looking for a college that is dedicated to preparing you for your professional and personal life, if you are interested in attending a school that cares deeply about inclusion and excellence, Lehman College is the place for you.
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Department of Humanities
Cheyney, Pennsylvania

Liberal Studies Major (on-campus)
- Education and Learning
Total Estimated Cost: $30,840
Cost Per Credit: $257 (in-state), $514 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $9,160 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Cheyney offers you the flexibility to build a degree program that fits your personal interests and needs.
- Through Cheyney University Learning Communities (CULC), you are provided academic support with social connections that enhance and encourage your learning experience.
- Offering a 12:1 student-faculty ratio, Cheyney offers an extremely personal and purposeful classroom experience, taught by committed, diverse, and exceptional faculty and staff.
- Expand your world of learning and experiences through Cheyney’s study abroad program, encompassing a variety of disciplines in several countries.
Cheyney is committed to equipping and empowering students of diverse backgrounds to be leaders in their fields. Through innovation, boldness, explorative research, and civic engagement, Cheyney will prepare you for life outside of college, fully equipping you with knowledge, curiosity, and skills you need to be a leader and changemaker in the world. If you are interested in joining a prestigious university for your liberal studies education with a rich history of service, intellect, and character, Cheyney is the school for you.
CUNY Medgar Evers College
School of Liberal Studies
Cheyney, Pennsylvania

Bachelors in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
- Geography
- History
- Political Science
Total Estimated Cost: $27,720
Cost Per Credit: $231 (in-state), $620 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $12,280 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- At CUNY Medgar Evers, you are not alone. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, Medgar Evers ensures that you are supported, involved, and advised all throughout your collegiate career.
- Medgar Evers has partnered with Brooklyn Recovery Corps, a program dedicated to providing you experiential learning, in collaboration with non-profit organizations and small businesses, for the purpose of supporting local economic recovery.
- Through the Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Program, Medgar Evers is invested in improving educational outcomes for African American students.
CUNY Medgar Evers believes in providing you an education that is broad and free, in both action and thought. Through their liberal arts department, you are free to engage in a variety of studies that honor the past and encourage growth in the present in hopes of improving the future. As a student you will be encouraged and guided to explore and express your creative self. If you are interested in personal growth, if you aspire to help your community change, and if you have a passion for purposeful experiential learning, CUNY Medgar Evers is the college for you.
Shippensburg University
Office of Professional, Continuing, and Distance Education
Cheyney, Pennsylvania

BS in Professional Studies – Liberal Arts Concentration (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $38,280
Cost Per Credit: $319 (in-state), $335 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $1,720 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Shippensburg offers tailored-to-fit classes that allow you to pursue your education degree in a way that fits your busy and demanding adult life.
- Shippensburg is just one of 5 PA schools that offers a Peace Corps Program, preparing you for a career in international development careers and Peace Corps service.
- Shippensburg alumni boast an average salary of over $70,000 a year.
- Located on 210 acres, the Shippensburg campus offers you state-of-the-art facilities, recreation, and opportunities such as the Brad E. Hollinger Stock Trading Room, a research laboratory, campus farm, planetarium, center for performing arts, and much, much more!
Shippensburg is committed to helping you find a program tailored to fit you perfectly, offering classes that are customized to your needs and demands, and ensuring you will meet your personal, educational, and professional goals. Shippensburg is a diverse and supportive community, passionate about your success. With the community atmosphere here, you will not be lost in the crowd! If you are ready to improve your current status, if you are looking to advance your education and career, Shippensburg is the school for you.
California University of Pennsylvania
California, Pennsylvania

Bachelors in Liberal Studies (on-campus, online)
Total Estimated Cost: $30,840
Cost Per Credit: $257 (in-state), $386 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $9,160 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Cal U allows you to pursue and experience the full spectrum of what a liberal arts degree can offer, ensuring flexibility and autonomy in your coursework and interests.
- Cal U provides you the opportunity to pursue research and hands-on activities that allow you to put coursework into context and build marketable skills and experiences.
- At Cal U, you work with expert professors to develop research projects, pursue scholarships, and create projects.
Cal U wants you to be prepared for real-world jobs. Their liberal arts department believes that in order to do so, you need analytical skills, societal and cultural knowledge, and an appreciation for the arts. Through a customized course plan that caters to your needs and plans, Cal U provides you an opportunity to develop a sense of social responsibility, analytical and problem-solving skills, and the ability to apply your knowledge and skills to any real-world setting. If you are interested in studying outside the box and gaining invaluable real-world job experiences, Cal U is the school for you!
Mansfield University
Department of History, Education, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology
California, Pennsylvania

Bachelors in Liberal Studies (online)
Total Estimated Cost: $30,840
Cost Per Credit: $257 (in-state), $386 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $9,160 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- With over 50 academic minors, you are free to shape your education in a way that best suits you and your individual needs and interests.
- An affiliate of Lock Haven University Army ROTC, Mansfield prepares you for military service.
- Located in north central Pennsylvania, Mansfield offers thousands of acres of state land, lakes, and picturesque mountain views.
Mansfield is committed to student life and living. Through civility and mutual respect, Mansfield enables students to develop themselves as leaders, clarify their values, and celebrate differences. At Mansfield, you will become a critical thinker, problem solver, and leader in your local and greater community. Through a dynamic arts and humanities program, Mansfield prepares you to be successful in your life and career. If you are interested in joining a university that is committed to you, that has a long history of service, academic excellence, and adventure, Mansfield is the school for you.
Rhode Island College
Faculty of Arts and Science
Providence, Rhode Island

Bachelors in Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Total Estimated Cost: $37,080
Cost Per Credit: $309 (in-state), $816 (out-of-state)
Tuition cost is $2,920 less than the regional average for similar programs!
- Design your own plan of study that incorporates multiple disciplines and engages the topic or theme of your choosing!
- Become a prolific writer in all disciplines, ready to engage with and impact the world.
- Located on 180-acres, RIC is in the heart of Providence and surrounded by Rhode Island beauty.
Rhode Island College wants you to be bold. In their commitment to excellence, to providing you with opportunities and support to pursue your chosen career or academic path, RIC emphasizes a personalized, hands-on learning environment that is dedicated to your success. As a liberal arts major, you will develop analytical and critical reasoning skills, engage in meaningful and personalized learning opportunities, and develop your abilities to be confident in any setting or profession. At Rhode Island College, you will learn what it means to be bold in thought and action. If you are interested in joining a college that cares deeply about your academic, professional, and personal journey, Rhode Island College is the place for you.